pudding leads the pack. Its easy to make and it uses up all of your leftover bread,
so lets make some bread pudding. Were going to make a really basic bread pudding
here today, but Im going to give you options of when you can add other flavors. The most
important part of bread pudding of course is the bread.
Weve taken some challah bread
here, which is of course an egg based bread. Brioche is also an egg based bread. Really
tasty for bread pudding. Youll notice it has a bit of a yellow tone to it, but its
sweet and super, super tender.
Makes a great bread pudding. Cut the bread open and leave
it overnight on a baking sheet on your counter, so it dries a little bit. Why? Because stale
bread absorbs things better, so when we put our custard on that bread, its going to
absorb all of those great flavors and then give it back to us when were eating it.
So, bread is all cubed up and ready to go. Lets start by getting our pan ready.
going to butter the pan and grease it so it comes out easily. Nice little tip. Always
save your little butter wrappers. Keep them in the freezer for when you need to do something
like this.
The leftover butter on the wrapper is perfect for actually greasing a dish like
this. Okay so greased dish, bread, lets make that custard. So Im going to beat
up my eggs here, and Im going to pour in my milk. And of course because this is a dessert,
were going to add some sugar and sweeten that up.
So sugar, eggs, milk. Whisk that
together until you can no longer feel the sugar. Its dissolved in the mixture. Now,
lets add some flavors.
So, in goes some cinnamon. Thats pretty classic in any bread
pudding. In goes a little pure vanilla extract. I like to use the pure instead of the artificial.
And then were going to grate in some fresh nutmeg.
I love to grate my nutmeg fresh. You
can easily get these in the grocery store and they keep forever, so of course you will
always have freshly grated nutmeg, which tastes better than if you buy it pre-ground. Whisk
it together well, so you break that egg up and dissolve that sugar. Now, lets transfer
everything to our greased pan here.
This is where if you were going to add some extra
ingredients like raisins, which are kind of traditional, or you could put some berries
in there or even some chocolate chips. Cut up some apple, drizzle some maple syrup in.
All of these variations are possible and you can make your bread pudding your very own.
You want to make sure this pan is almost overflowing with bread, and then were going to pour
our custard on top. Now, once the custard is all in the bread, we want that bread to
absorb that custard so that when it bakes, it bakes evenly. So youre going to use
your hands and press that bread down into the mixture.
This is when we preheat our oven.
We wait this long because this bread needs time to soak up that custard. The preheating
time for the oven is just about the right time. Once this has sat for about twenty minutes
and your oven is preheated to 350 degrees, pop this in for about an hour. It should smell
fantastic in your kitchen and people should be waiting for that bread pudding.
take it out and see if its finished. So, to do that we are going to take a clean skewer.
Were going to put that into the center of the bread pudding and it should come out
clean. If it comes out clean with no messy pudding on there, then you are good to go.
Next step is to let this cool for a couple minutes. Cut it into portions.
Serve it with
some fresh fruit, maybe some maple syrup on top. Sprinkle some powdered sugar and make
everybody happy. Thanks for watching. If youd like to see more of The Basics, click over
If youd like to see everything I. Used in this recipe, click over here. If you
have any questions, comments, or suggestions for more Basics, put them down in the comments
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