another convenience store tour in Tokyo Japan. () Welcome back to the land of the rising
dick. Today I'm checking out another top-notch convenience store and personally I think it's gonna be pretty fucking nice. So I sprinted
inside the place like I owned the joint.
I started scoping out that chip
selection and what do we have here? I'm not exactly sure what's going on but it
seems like these chips are flavored after wasabi and shrimp. I got to say that seems like a pretty
Japanesey flavor combo in fact I'd go as far as to say as it's real Japanesey. What else do we got here? A bag of chips with a sunbathing cow - seems legit. That
cow is loving life baby he's chillaxing on a lounge chair, he's got a fucking
cocktail, hell he's even got some fresh wasabi.
There's a bowl of salt, there's a
beautiful ocean and some flowers and what's this we got some chinese lions on
the top? I don't know who designed this chip bag
but I think it's safe to say they've got a pretty nice profession - a decent
profession to be exact. I might have to try to reorganize my
whole life and try to gun for that kind of job. I mean look at these bags they're
works of art. Picasso ain't got nothing on these chip bag designers that's all
I'm trying to say.
I mean I don't know maybe it's just me but take this bag for example. I think this curry mania bag is an avant-garde masterpiece. But hey what
do I know I ain't no art aficionado. Anyway I'm getting a tad sidetracked by
these sweet-ass bag designs.
Pretty much the real reason I came into this
convenience store is because I had an insatiable desire to eat some pudding. I mean hey I'm a pudding man what can I
say? I didn't choose this way of life it chose me and right about now I'm going
to grab myself a shitload of pudding packs. Mind you it's not like I have any choice
in the matter these pudding packs are calling me. Truth of the matter is they need me in their life as much as I need them in mine.
Anyway I'm scoping out these two
basic puddings I've never had either of them and I think I'm gonna go for this
blue one so I'm going to put that into my cart. So let's see what else we got
around here we got some baked pudding which I've had before and it's pretty
good but I want to try some new pudding today. I got to keep eating my way to New
Frontiers I gotta take one small bite for man, one giant feeding frenzy for
mankind. Anyway this right here seems like some
kind of almond milk jelly action.
It's probably good but I want some pure unadulterated pudding. Whoa whoa whoa! What in the world is that? What in the wide wide world of grain-based pudding is that? Looks like we got some creamy
corn pudding right here. If I didn't know any better I'd say I just died and went
to grain-based pudding paradiso. Long story short I think I most definitely
have to put this into my cart.
What's next we gotta pudding pack with
the Sun on the packaging. I'm not sure what to expect from that I think it
could be a trap or something. I mean I don't buy pudding based on
weather patterns that's all I'm trying to say and what's this? Oh my dawgs.
Pumpkin pudding holy shit! I love pumpkins and I love pudding and I'm
thinking the combination could be good but hey what do I know? Might as well give that a try and I'm gonna slam dunk that into my cart. Man oh man they got a
lot of diabetic delicacies in this place that's all I can say.
Now seeing as how I
got three pudding packs I think I have to balance out that meal, get myself a nice
dessert what do you think? Whoa baby they got a Calpis Crepe. Calpis is a
weird Japanese starchy drink but I. Didn't know they had them as a dessert
flavor. Let's see what else they got around here
and check this out they got a cookie pie eclair.
Now that seems like something I
could really sink my teeth into so I. Think I best be putting that into my cart. So after I paid for those bad boys I
sprinted full fucking speed back to my apartment and got mentally prepared to
chow down on some pudding. Gonna start off with this tricolor puppy.
As far as I can read on that packaging it says it's creamy pudding. The picture's got a
spoonful of white stuff getting shot off all over that pudding spoonful. You might even call it the lovin spoonful it's just that fucking creamy Anyway I'm spending
too much time dicking around talking about a bunch of bullshit over here, so
let me take off the top of this bad boy and unveil the pudding. Now as they
always do with the Japanese convenience stores they gave me a bunch of little
spoons to use.
That's nice but I don't need that shit, let's get that out the
way and let's use us a real spoon. I mean hey I like those small spoons but
sometimes I just gotta shovel food into my throat at high velocity. So let me dip
that spoon into the white creaminess and whoa it's kind of watery baby. How's a man
supposed to eat his pudding when he's got a bunch of watery whiteness sloshing
around all over the place? So let me get myself a spoonful over here and wow! Let me look at the packaging again.
picture on the package is quite different from the reality don't you
think? I feel like I've been had but hey who knows maybe if I try it it'll taste so good I won't even care what it looks like. So let me slam that bad boy down the
hatch. Hmm. It does taste good i'll give it that.
The pudding itself tastes custardy and the watery white stuff tastes kind of
like coconut milk. I mean hey don't get me wrong I really
want to like this pudding it's just that something about all this white stuff
shooting all over the place is getting me a tad bothered. How can a pudding that tastes so right
look so wrong that's all I'm trying to figure out. I mean just looking at the
consistency of this white stuff I feel like someone messed up at the pudding
factory - maybe it was their first day.
So with all that considered I think I'm
gonna have to rate this pudding a 3 out of 5 Dawgs. I mean hey I'm a man with a
discerning palate and a discerning eye. When I chow down on some pudding I want to make damn sure it doesn't look
like i'm eating a pack of fish jizz you know what I'm saying? Anyway let me clean off the remnants
here and start getting serious about life. You can't let a few drops of fish
jizz get you down that's what I always say.
So now it's time to move on to the next
pudding pack. I think i'm going to try out that pumpkin pudding pack to be exact. So no sense in dicking around. I'm just gonna grab this thing and open it right up.
I'm kinda having a hard time over here.
Whoa what the heck? We got some pumpkin pudding shooting out of the
opening shit's getting crazy around here. So let me just pull the rest of that
cover off and oh man I removed the entire cover this is fucking incredible! Anyway take a look at that pudding. As
you can see it's got a pretty thick consistency compared to the previous
pudding. So let me dive in dick first into whoa! That spoonful came out smooth as fuck.
Just look at that spoonful - it's a thing
of beauty I almost don't want to eat it but I guess I have to. So I jammed that
spoonful in the general direction of my head and holy shit! That was tasting
smooth as fuck. I can't even believe what I just tasted
so I think I need to take myself another spoonful. You gotta love that ever so
slight jiggle so let me jam that down the hatch and wow just wow.
I think I'm
literally at a loss for words here people this has a subtle sweetness and
the perfect consistency and creaminess. On top of that it tastes exactly like
kabocha aka Japanese pumpkin. Pretty much in some small way this pudding
actually completes me. It fills some kind of void in my life that I never even
knew existed.
It's just that fucking good and as if
all that wasn't enough we've got some caramel sauce at the bottom of that pudding pack to help add a little bit of
variety to your eating experience. Long story short i'm gonna have to give
this pudding pack a 5 out of 5 Dawgs. I mean it tasted so damn good that I could have
sworn it was custom made just for me. It spikes my optimism just as much as it
spikes my blood sugar and I think it's safe to say that that right there was a
nice fucking pudding pack.
Anyway next on deck we got some Hokkaido corn pudding. I got to admit I never did have corn
pudding before so I think it's safe to say that today is most definitely
changing day in my life. So let's get the cover off this puppy pronto, just gotta
rip this bad boy off. Whoa it's kinda hard to take off its like the damn thing
is welded onto the top here.
All I want is some grain-based salvation but it's
like breaking into Fort Knox getting this mofo open. Anyway I finally managed
to gain access to that sweet sweet putting action and whoa take a look at
that texture. It's looking creamy to the max and paradigm shifting as fuck. Basically I think this could change my
life so let me take myself a big-ass bite.
Whoa baby this thing is as
creamy as it looks. It tastes like they use the heaviest of
heavy creams to create an artery clogging concoction. In other words it's pretty fucking good
although I can't taste much of a corn flavor to be honest. It tastes like it's
about 5% corn, 5% sugar and 90% chronic disease inducing cream.
Overall I'd say it tastes pretty damn
good so I'm going to have to give it a 4 out of 5 Dawgs. I mean the flavor is creamy, soft and
subtly sweet and I think it tastes pretty damn good but it most definitely
does not taste like corn. Maybe if you squint it tastes like corn a little bit
but I think unfortunately I'm going to have to put my grain-based pudding
dreams off into the future. Anyway now that I finished that pudding
chow fiesta I think it's time for a dessert.
I got to get me some cookie pie
eclair action in my life. After all i'm pretty sure i'm worth this cookie pie
eclair, don't think for one fucking nanosecond that I'm not. So let's get us
a plate on deck and let's take out the cookie pie eclair. Call me crazy but I think it's looking
long, it's looking strong, and it's down to get the beetus on.
I just gotta grab
my knife and get a nice smooth cut because I want to see what's inside this
eclair, I want to know what makes it tick. Whoa baby take a look at that! We got
some serious cream action on our hands here. They ain't playin around, that crust
is looking mighty fine as well. So I think I should spend less time
chattering away here and more time chowing down so let's jam this down
the hatch.
Whoa what the hell is going on here? That cream is good but I was
kind of expecting that crust to be more cookie like - after all the name of this
thing is a cookie pie eclair right? I mean it looks kind of unique but it
actually tastes like a normal eclair without the chocolate topping. It's pretty good but it's not paradigm-shifting that's all I'm trying
to say, so with all that taken into consideration I think i'm going to have
to give this a 3 out of 5 Dawgs. I mean I was dreaming of some kind of
crunchy cookie crust but unfortunately that dream is not becoming a reality. Nevertheless decent dessert right there Anyway that's all the foods i've got for
now, but if you want to see more you best be checking out my previous convenience
store tour.
It's about Japanese sandwiches and I've
got that link in the description box. And as always thanks for watching this video why don't you leave a comment? Let me
know what you think. ().