often is this hibiscus tea to which I add lemongrass and orange peel. This tea is not
only very delicious but its also full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that will
give the immune system a boost. With all season changes, so comes the cold
and flu season where catching the common cold becomes very likely.
If youve been feeling a little under the weather with the season change, this natural
remedy might come in handy. Lemongrass has long been used in Mauritius
as a homemade remedy for coughs and colds.
My mum used to grow it in the back garden.
It grows so easily in hot temperatures like a wild plant. In Canada, I buy lemongrass
at my local Asian store, Ive often seen them in regular stores too.
Cut the lemongrass stalks into pieces of about 5 cm or 2 inches in length. Then split each
piece in half along the length. This will expose the inside so that all the goodness
can be extracted.
Place about one cup of water and the lemongrass
in a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the water reaches boiling point, let it boil for
another minute. Not only does lemongrass have the most amazing
fragrance but it is also a powerhouse of healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals that provide
relief from respiratory problems, fever, aches and various infections. It also helps to maintain
healthy skin and the immune system.
When ingested as a tea, orange peel is an
effective lung cleanser and actively breaks down and eliminate congestion.
When peeling the orange, try not to catch the pith (the spongy white part)
as it is quite bitter. Having said that, if you can tolerate the bitterness, the pith has
as much vitamin C as the whole orange. Remove the lemongrass infusion from the heat.
Then add in the orange peels and the hibiscus flowers.
I am using dried hibiscus flowers but you
can also use fresh ones if they are readily available to you. If using fresh flowers,
discard the stem and the pistil and use only the petals. Then steep them in the same way
until all the colour is leached from the petals. Let the tea steep for 5 to 8 minutes.
Hibiscus is full of antioxidants, rich in
Vitamin C and is especially good to relieve high blood pressure, high cholesterol as well
as assists the digestive and immune system. Its calming soothing effect also helps
in treating anxiety. Strain the tea and pour into a cup. I like
to add some grade B maple syrup for the added minerals like magnesium and zinc that also
supports the immune system.
But you can sweeten this tea to your taste with any other sweetener
of choice. You can also serve this infusion chilled as
an iced tea and replace regular sodas or other sugary drinks. I've found that when refrigerated,
you don't actually need a lot of sweetener as the cold masks the tanginess of the hibiscus. So, give your immune system a boost and stimulate
your energy levels with a cup of this lemongrass hibiscus tea.
In fact you can enjoy this brew
all year round and at any time of the day. Just a word of caution if you
are pregnant or lactating, consult your doctor
before consuming hibiscus. If youve enjoyed this recipe, dont forget
to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you havent already. You can also find this
recipe on our website along with some extra information on the benefits of this tea.
next time, stay healthy..