Vegan For 30 DaysThe Test Friends

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Vegan For 30 DaysThe Test Friends

- I guess what I think veganism is... - I went to vegans for Dummies. - I don't know much about veganism, but what I do know... - (Laughs) It sucks! (Intense music) - Starting tomorrow, the
four of us will be vegans for the next thirty days.

- I don't feel good about
being on a vegan diet. - Hell no. (Laughs) - What am I going to do with tofu? - I would probably suckle
directly from a cow's teat. - My diet now is like whatever.

- I don't know what I'm
going to do without cheese. - Yeah, I have some concerns. One, my sanity. - I just hate the thought of like restricting what I eat.

- We're doing this for a month because we actually do want to really have the time to take this seriously and learn about what
it means to be a vegan. - I wanna try a vegan diet maybe because that's the way of the future. - I feel like this'll be a good cleanse for my body. - To say, at the end of this, that I will go vegan, very slim chances.

However, maybe I come out of this and get in the habit of cooking more and just doing better things
to my body in general. - It's day one, and Ryan already cheated. - [Ryan] Alright, so she just recorded me saying I'm eating this... - I'm eating salad all day.

We are going to meet with the nutritionist and get some advice because none of us know how to be good vegans. - I work out a lot, and I'm
really concerned about protein. - You actually don't have
to worry too much about it because a lot of the grains
in the plant-based foods that you're eating, that
replace the protein, so the grains, the legumes, the beans... Those foods have a lot of protein in them.

- [Jared] Is there anything
vegan that's delicious? - Yeah, there's tons of stuff that's vegan that's delicious.
- [Jared] Like what? - Like avocados are delicious, I like most fruits and vegetables, so... - Great. Thank you so much! - You're welcome! - This has been very, very illuminating. - I am no longer happy when I'm hungry.

And that's kind of sad. - It's really sad. - [Jared] Yeah, it's a little sad. - [Jen] Three hot dogs at work, - [Jared] Three hot
dogs, but we're getting vegan hot dogs...

- Vegan hot dogs. - Getting a chili dog, must be nice. But I'm not afforded that luxury because BuzzFeed is
hell-bent on punishing me for no reason. - We're about two weeks into being vegan and I feel pretty much the same.

I think I'm just a tired
person to begin with, so any other additional tiredness just kinds of blends in. - It's definitely been
like a roller coaster, both mentally and physically. Over the past couple of days, I've been like pushing
myself to go out to different vegan restaurants and try a bunch of awesome vegan cuisine. - I've actually started
paying a lot more attention to what I eat, and I've been eating a
lot more fresh veggies, and I've been eating a
lot more varied foods.

- I feel really tired all the time. I'm constantly tired and I
think it's because my body is lacking protein. - Cheated again! - It wasn't my fault! This guy! Not me! - So we realized on day one, as (inaudiable) holds a cream
cheese bagel in his hand, that people were just
going to cheat willy-nilly if we didn't have some
kind of rule going on. So now, we have a rule where if you cheat, you get a punishment.

- Long story short, Justin Tan
had a turkey vegan sandwich, or what he thought was
a turkey vegan sandwich, gave it to me, and was like
"wow, you've got to taste this vegan sandwich, it's pretty good." - I thought it was vegan! - [Ryan] He told me
this sandwich was vegan from the (bleep) green vegan truck! - As part of Ryan's punishment, we got him a veggie burger and then Justin will be eating his favorite meal, which happens to be... - A four-by-four from In-N-Out. - Yo! What's up? - [Ryan] Are you freaking kidding me? What the? Wait, are you serious? - [Justin] Come on and have a seat, man. You have a nice, tasty veggie
burger waiting for you.

- You piece of (bleep)! - Here, I'm going to
take my first bite here. Mmm. - (Bleep) you. - There's an ice cream truck today.

And we can have none of it. - Yeah, man! Ice cream! - Brett Wood. Brett Wood! - I'm in the last week of veganism. And I feel...

Ready for a burger. - In the beginning, I was
using a lot of fake meat to replace real meat, and it was actually making
me feel a lot worse. After that, I decided to start
eating more natural food. So, more fruits, more veggies, and I started to feel a lot better.

- I do think it's possible
to be a meat eater and to use dairy without contributing to sort of cruel practices, like, there are farms that
treat their animals ethically. - In the last week of
this, we are going to our coworker Caroline's house where she's going to cook us a vegan meal that's actually good. She's a vegan expert,
so I'll have a chance to eat something that's
not beans and rice. (Light music) - I'm vegan.

- I'm vegetarian. - But an excellent vegan chef. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to Daysha and Ryan about
what they were eating, and it was making me very sad, so I wanted to show them
what actual vegan food can be like. - [Roni] We're going to do yellow curry, we're going to do some lard, and then a sweet sticky rice, coconut, and mango.

- [Daysha] We're like
where the kids helping out at Thanksgiving dinner. - [Roni] Whenever somebody's milling about major life choices like
the food you're gonna eat, the thing that you really
define your culture by, that can be really off-putting
to a lot of people. But I think if you show it like this, that you can make delicious food that's not a deprivation, I think that's much more
encouraging to people to lead a healthier life. Maybe the last little
bit is very necessary, in our changing environment.

- I'm no longer vegan. It's been one week since
our experiment ended. I feel pretty good. - It definitely had its highs and lows.

But overall, I would say
being a vegan wasn't terrible. - Going into this, I didn't really know what being vegan was about, as far as why people do it. And now I understand why. It's (bleep)ed up, all
the stuff that we do to get the meat that we do.

- Reintroducing meat
and dairy into my diet wasn't the mind-blowing
thing that I thought it was going to be. It was just like "oh,
yeah, it's just food." - You know, maybe I'll find some more ethically raised meat. Chipotle serves ethically raised meat. - Your diet is often tied
very closely to your identity and your culture, and I
think huge diet changes can be really difficult to adopt.

Not just on a superficial taste level, but also on an emotional
and a cultural level. I sort of have a greater appreciation for what goes into my food and what goes into my body. - I'm just very appreciative of the fact that being vegan has helped me feel good when eating. I think that my whole life, I've always struggled with food and making sure I'm eating right, and trying to be a certain size.

You just learn how to eat right, that feeling of feeling
good feels so much better than trying to be a certain size..

VEGAN CRAB CAKEShot for food

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VEGAN CRAB CAKEShot for food

[Lauren] this is vodka [lauren] welcome to hot for food! I'm lauren [john] and i'm john. [Lauren] and today we're gonna make one of our favourite things, [lauren] it's vegan crab cakes with horseradish dill tartar sauce [lauren] it blows john's mind everytime he bites into one [lauren] because it tastes like crab cakes! [Lauren] it's crazy! [John] what replaces the crabs? [Lauren] artichokes, my friends [lauren] marinated artichokes. [Lauren] crab meat is so expensive, [lauren] if you're making real crab cakes, [lauren] so make it with artichokes, [lauren] no one will care. [Lauren] everyone i've fed these to is like [lauren] "holy crap! How is this not crab meat?" [John] let's do it.

[Lauren] let's do it! [John] is this a known thing to open a jar that you smack it on the bottom? [Lauren] yes, john. [John] still doesn't work. [Lauren] *laughs* [john] do this one, it's hard. [John] oh my god.
[Lauren] oh my god! [Lauren] were you joking? [John] no.

[Lauren] okay, so it's about two cups of marinated artichokes [lauren] you wanna start with. [Lauren] you wanna drain them from the liquid [lauren] but you also need to reserve the liquid [lauren] so don't throw it all out. [Lauren] plus, you can actually use this for other cooking [lauren] i don't waste it, i put it in other things like sauces and stuff. [Lauren] we need half a cup of celery.

[Lauren] and you need a quarter cup of shallots. [Lauren] so why don't you chop the shallots there. [Lauren] now you're essentially just putting everything in the mixing bowl [lauren] so we're gonna add the celery to  the mixing bowl, [lauren] and then, so you've got like marinated artichokes [lauren]  either whole or quartered, [lauren] but you wanna chop them up even finer [lauren] so as you start cutting up artichokes [lauren] you'll notice it starts to look a little like crab meat. [Lauren] now here's the thing, [lauren] making crab cakes out of artichokes isn't anything new, [lauren] we didn't invent this idea, [lauren] uh, it's been done before just like everything else.

[Lauren] but [lauren]  i will say that [lauren] my particular concoction of ingredients [lauren] i haven't really found anywhere [lauren] plus i feel like these taste extra tasty. [John] for whatever reason, yours just taste [john] extra stupid. [Lauren] extra stupid. [John] stupid in a good way.

Stupid good.
[Lauren] stupid means good. [John] we first had vegan crab cakes. [John] at the magical place that is the [john] wynn hotel in las vegas at a restaurant [john] called lakeside. [Lauren] mhm.

[John] thinking about it is just making me cry [john] cos it was so [john] getting me emotional. [John] but it's not a vegan restaurant but [john] because it's at the wynn hotel, [john] it has an entirely vegan menu, [john] including [john] vegan crab cakes. [Lauren] like it has a vegan seafood menu so we had [lauren] clam chowder, [lauren] crab cakes, [lauren] and [lauren] oh we had aranci- aranciatta oh my god what's it called?
[John]  arancini. [Lauren] whatever.

Risotto balls. [Lauren] it was amazing, and las vegas is one of the most vegan-friendly [lauren] cities in the whole world. [Lauren] did you know that? [Lauren] oh god, those are burning my eyes
[john] i know. [John] got our leftover artichoke liquid, [john] we got two tablespoons.

[Lauren] and we're doing a teaspoon of lemon, [lauren] you're putting everything from the recipe which is listed below [lauren] into this bowl. [John] half cup chickpea flour. [John] are these better, maybe? [Lauren] what do you mean? [John] are ours better?
[Lauren] i think ours are better than [lauren] the ones at vegas [john] lauren's funny to go out and eat with [john] because [john] whenever she eats something, [john] and in the best way possible, [john] she just goes [john] you can see she takes a bite of something, [john] and it's awesome. She'll be like  "mmm..." [John] but then she starts to see wheels turning and she goes [john] "how would i make this?" [John] or maybe even "how would i make this better?" [John] why coconut sugar? [Lauren] oh, the only reason it's coconut sugar [lauren] really it's because that's what i had when i made up the recipe, [lauren] and coconut sugar is like, [lauren] a better sugar than refined sugar so [lauren] i figured you know what? [Lauren] people won't complain about the fact that we're using coconut sugar [lauren] people like to complain about the fact [lauren] that we're using brown sugar or white sugar [lauren] or whatever.

[John] yea. [John] what's up with that? [Lauren] okay, so this is old bay seasoning, [lauren] it is a seafood seasoning, [lauren] we're adding one teaspoon of it. [Lauren] and this seasoning is like, [lauren] basically every spice mixed together [lauren] i don't really know what it is, [lauren] but [lauren] you see it a lot used in cooking chicken and fish and stuff like that [lauren] so it will give it this extra [lauren] finesse of flavour. [John] there's a cute little crab on them [lauren] there's a crab on it, yes
[john] on the box.

[Lauren] so that ingredient is kind of essential, [lauren] do not omit this [lauren] you can find it in any grocery store at the spice secton [john] actually, it's a little bit hard to find [john] though cos i didn't find it in the spice section, [john] i found it in like the seafood section [lauren] oh [lauren] okay, so now everything's in here. [Lauren] this bowl's a little small. You probably want a bigger bowl than this. [Lauren] and then just combine it all nicely until it all comes together.

[Lauren] looking soft. And that little bit of marinate that's in there, [lauren] the lemon juice kind of pulls the flour together [lauren] and thickens it. [Lauren] so if you taste this on it's own [lauren] you're gonna notice the chickpea flour tastes disgusting [lauren] once you cook it, [lauren] it won't taste like that. [John] it's like gritty.

[Lauren] it's gross. It's gritty and it's bitter [lauren] so if your crab cakes are undercooked, [lauren] you're gonna taste it. [Lauren] there's an iron skillet here with [lauren] about a cup and a half of vegetable oil in it. [Lauren] and you wanna heat it to 375F.

[John] kay, it's time to set up. [John] our dredging station [john] sounds a lot cooler than it actually is. [John] we're gonna have quarter cup chickpea flour [john] in to the chickpea flour. [John] from there we go into half of a cup of almond milk [john] from the almond milk, we go into [john] one cup of breadcrumbs.

[John] and you do that, repeat and then fry [lauren] you're gonna do 3-4 minutes total [lauren] flipping halfway through [john] alright, tartar sauce time. [Lauren] so tartar sauce is essentially mayonnaise and pickles, [lauren] but we're adding dill and horseradish [lauren] instead [john] what exactly is horseradish? [John] i hated it as a kid,
[lauren] i don't know. It's from [lauren] the horseradish [lauren] spicy. [John] for the horseradish dill tartar sauce, [john] you add two-thirds a cup of vegan mayonnaise, [john] three teaspoons of horseradish [john] one tablespoon, lemon juice.

[John] one tablespoon, finely chopped fresh dill [john] and a quarter teaspoon, ground pepper. [Lauren] now i'm plating with like this, [lauren] ugly bed of spinach underneath [lauren] but when i did it for the photos for the blog [lauren] originally it was much prettier but [lauren] you could put it on a bed of arugula, [lauren] or whatever you want. [Lauren] most important part right now is to taste it [lauren] and make sure that they're fine. [Lauren] right? [Lauren] if you were making these at home, [lauren] you would wanna taste them before you serve them [john] this is true, [john] lemme get that one.

[John] it's actually insane though [lauren] yep. [Lauren] this is some michelin rating shit. [Lauren] i don't even know what that means. [Lauren] michelin tyres rates the restaurants? [John] no.

[Lauren] yea! It is! [Lauren] it's michelin, it's the same company. [Lauren] isn't it? [John] i don't think so. [Lauren] okay, so now let's make it look nice for the people [john] it's the vegan crab cakes with horseradish dill tartar sauce [john] oh yea. [John] so we're all about tricking the senses here [john] at the hot for food kitchen but i feel like this [john] recipe takes it to the next level, like [john] it's tough for us cos everybody knows we're vegan.

[John] whereas you can cook this for your friends [john] that, maybe you don't eat vegan all the time [john] and they wouldn't expect you to pull this over on them [john] but you need to try this and serve this to your friends [john] cos they're not gonna know. [Lauren] they're better than crab cakes. Crab cakes are kinda nasty. [Lauren] okay, so we're gonna dive into these, [lauren] aand you should subscribe to our channel, [lauren] there's a little button there to subscribe [lauren] and we post every wednesday [lauren] new vegan recipes [john] um [john] can i just eat it with my hands? [Lauren] yea sure.

Share it if you like the recipe, [lauren] share it around the internet [lauren] thank you so much for watching and [lauren] thank you for subscribing if you're already here [lauren] because we have hit over 5500 subscribers on  hot for food's youtube channel! [Lauren] so exciting. [John] and no animals were harmed. [Lauren] exactly. [Lauren] bye bye!.

VEGAN CHOP SALADhot for food

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VEGAN CHOP SALADhot for food

[Lauren] i don't know what a chop salad is, [lauren] it was just on all the menus in california and i was like, [lauren] this is cool and i was like, i'm gonna make one at home. [Lauren] hey guys, i'm lauren from hot for food. [Lauren] and this week i'm coming at you with some [lauren] other great Kin Community channels, [lauren] for a bridal boot camp collabo. [Lauren] i'm gonna show you how to make a vegan chop salad, [lauren] with creamy herb dressing, [lauren] um, it's a great meal you can prepare for the week ahead, [lauren] either leading up to your bridal shower, [lauren] your wedding, [lauren] um, or if you're recently engaged and you just wanna kinda start feeling your best [lauren] leading up to your big day, [lauren] this is gonna do it for you.

[Lauren] i'm basically suggesting you need to eat more plant-based, [lauren] uh, all around, uh because it's gonna make you not be a total bride-zilla [lauren] so brides-to-be, we're gonna start with the creamy herb dressing, [lauren] this is a salad dressing that i have made for years, [lauren] it helps me eat a lot of greens [lauren] alright, so you're gonna need a blender, [lauren] you don't necessarily need a high speed blender like the one i have here, [lauren] you just need, any blender should do. [Lauren] basically you should never purchase store bought salad dressing, [lauren] they're usually full of lots of sugar, [lauren] and or salt, sometimes bad oils. [Lauren] and it's so expensive. [Lauren] you're better off just making it yourself and store it in the fridge for a week.

[Lauren] so this dressing for our vegan chop salad's [lauren] made with half a cup of cold pressed olive oil, [lauren] and a third a cup of water, [lauren] we're gonna use two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar, [lauren] we're adding nutritional yeast, [lauren] which is optional, you don't necessarily need it [lauren] but it's an ingredient i always have in my cupboard [lauren] because i'm a vegan and it's a b12 supplement [lauren] but  it also adds a lot of sort of nutty, cheesy, flavour [lauren] to the dressing. [Lauren] we're gonna put in a quarter cup of hemp hearts, [lauren] we're gonna add some fresh herbs: dill and parsley, [lauren] just a teaspoon each. [Lauren] and a teaspoon of onion powder [lauren] just to add a little bit of flavour, [lauren] and half a teaspoon of sea salt. [Lauren] so just gonna blend it up until it's smooth, it only takes like, a minute.

[Lauren] so it's a pretty thick, creamy dressing [lauren] and the oil emusifies. [Lauren] makes it thicker, increases the volume. [Lauren] let's make this chop salad, [lauren] i'm gonna use kale as my greens. [Lauren] but feel free to use a mixture of kale with romaine [lauren] or spinach, or whatever you prefer but these are like the darkest, [lauren] leafy greens.

This ain't no side salad. [Lauren] this is like a very hearty salad. [Lauren] so i'm not about making pittly little iceberg salad, [lauren] that's not what you should be eating. [Lauren] do not put this in your salad.

[Lauren] like this. [Lauren] the way you need to treat and love and care for your kale [lauren] is the same as how you're gonna treat and love and care for your baby. [Lauren] when you have it after you get married, [lauren] cos that's the order of things, right? [Lauren] okay, so [lauren] i'm gonna show you what to do. [Lauren] so you wanna take all of this and kinda roll it up, [lauren] and then really finely chop it so you're getting thin thin shreds like this [lauren] here's the key to making kale more palatable.

[Lauren] what we're gonna do, is we're gonna take half a lemon, [lauren] and we're gonna squeeze it on the kale. [Lauren] just put your palm like this to catch any seeds, [lauren] now you could also add a very slight pinch of salt, [lauren] but it is optional. [Lauren] i'm gonna add it, [lauren] it doesn't make the salad salty, [lauren] you just add a little sprinkle. [Lauren] okay, and then, you're gonna massage it [lauren] you're just gonna, maybe you have some music on the background, [lauren] maybe some sensual Barry White, [lauren] and you're just gonna massage the kale with your hands.

[Lauren] like you just kinda need to go like this, [lauren] as if you're giving someone a massage. [Lauren] pretend that you've married this kale. [Lauren] and now you're giving it some good loving on it's honeymoon. [Lauren] on your honeymoon with the kale .

[Lauren] and magically before your eyes, [lauren] the shreds of kale are going to transform [lauren] and become wilted and softer, [lauren] and that actually makes them taste a little less bitter, [lauren] makes them easier to chew, [lauren] and it's really gonna make you start to crave dark leafy greens [lauren] if you're not already eating these quite frequently in your diet. [Lauren] and so you can just leave this aside [lauren] while you prepare the rest of your salad, [lauren] the next most important ingredient in a vegan chop salad, i would say, [lauren] are the chickpeas. [Lauren] you can throw the chickpeas in the salad [lauren] as it is, but i'm just gonna take another half of a lemon, [lauren] squeeze that on the chickpeas, [lauren] and i'm just gonna add a little bit of freshly chopped parsley, [lauren] and some ground pepper [lauren] this is just gonna make the chickpeas stand out from the rest of the salad. [Lauren] you could use frozen corn, [lauren] just thawed in some water, [lauren] or if you have leftover corn on the cob, [lauren] it's nice to have it in those chunks from the cob [lauren] so we're gonna add this to the salad.

[Lauren] uh, we're also gonna use cherry tomatoes, [lauren] we're gonna use field cucumbers, [lauren] we're gonna use a little bit of green onion, [lauren] we're gonna add chopped celery, [lauren] i'm gonna add in some finely chopped broccoli, [lauren] and we're gonna do some avocado cubes [lauren] i like to take just a little bit of the dressing, [lauren] and toss the greens in it, [lauren] just so they're like coated and flavourful [lauren] kay, one other thing you can add is just sort of a mix of nuts and seeds, [lauren] that's up to you. I always kinda have them lying around, [lauren] with a mix of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, [lauren] hemp seeds. Again and you can just kind of put those on top. [Lauren] like that.

[Lauren] look at that awesome vegan chop salad [lauren] with creamy herb dressing, [lauren] i'm so excited to eat this, [lauren] make sure you click the thumbnails at the end of our video [lauren] here for more of the bridal bootcamp collaborations [lauren]  from other great Kin Community creators. [Lauren] there is a meditation for wedding jitters, [lauren] there is a bridal bodyweight workout, [lauren] and even skincare tips for all you brides out there [lauren] leading up to your wedding day. [Lauren] i of course think what you put in your body reflects on the outside of your body [lauren] and that's gonna be one of the important things you're thinking about, [lauren] on your wedding day so power up with plant foods, [lauren] and if you like this vegan chop salad, [lauren] we've got other recipes on our page [lauren] uh, so subscribe cos we post every wednesday, [lauren] and you don't have to just eat salads as a vegan. [Lauren] this is a good hearty salad that i totally recommend [lauren] and think is amazing.

[Lauren] but, we've got other vegan things [lauren] we've got some comfort foods and bottom line is [lauren] if you eat plant based versions of your favourite foods, [lauren] you're just gonna feel better, [lauren] and you're not gonna feel as guilty. [Lauren] so that's my advice, [lauren] we'll see you guys next week. Bye! [Lauren] mm,.

Vegan California Rolls for Beginners [+ uramaki technique]

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Vegan California Rolls for Beginners [+ uramaki technique]

Hi guys, Today's very requested tutorial will be sushi
for beginners. The rice on the outside method to be more specific. Now, this isn't a professional
version, just a simple way to do it at home. To make sushi that tastes right, you need the rice to be right.

I am using this medium grain rice as it was
the closest thing to sushi rice at the the store near me, but if you can get Japanese
short-grain rice, it's even better. First, wash the rice. See how this package
says that I don't have to wash it? Well, LIES! It's just not as good if you don't wash it. Just put one cup of rice in the pot and add

The water turns milky from the loose starches. Pour most of it away. Then, swish it around some. Add water, and
you can see its even milkier looking.

Drain that too. Repeat a few times until the water is pretty
much clear like this. Drain out the water as best you can. Then add one cup of water.

And time to cook
the rice. You could use a rice cooker, but if you're rice cooker-less like I am, you
can do it this way. Put the pot on the stove, cover and wait for
the water to boil. This took about 4 minutes for me.

You shouldn't
peek like I did. But I can't help it. I always peek. Now turn down the heat to low.

Let it cook for about 25 minutes. In the meantime you can prepare the seasoning.
Sushi really just means seasoned rice so this is a super important step. But all you need
is rice vinegar, sugar or your favourite sweetener and salt. In a glass, mix one teaspoon of salt, one
and a half tablespoons of sugar and 2 to 3 tablespoons of rice vinegar and stir until

This ratio is just what I prefer; you might
want your rice to be a bit more salty, sour or sweet so play with the proportions and
find out what you like best. When the rice is done, the grains will be
all puffed up and there shouldn't be any water left in the pot. Fold in the vinegar mixture gently so we don't
squish the rice. Now we let it cool.

The thing about rice that many people don't
know, it that it can go bad if it isn't cooled fast enough. That's why I put it in a container
like this and spread it out so it can cool more quickly. You can even put it in a cold
water or ice bath. I usually just wait until it's no longer steaming
and stick it in the freezer, covered, while I make the fillings.

Today we're making vegan california rolls!
Just replacing the crab or polluck with veggie tofu. This deep fried tofu has little bitsies
of veggies in it and is pretty tasty on it's own. It's also known as q-tofu but be careful
as not all brands are vegan. The rest of the ingredients are what you'll
find in a regular cali roll: avocado slices and cucumber matchsticks.

I also have some
minced scallion greens for extra deliciousness. To roll your sushi, get a few things together.
I have my bowl of cooled rice, a bamboo sushi rolling mat, the fillings, a bowl of water
to get my hands damp and a towel. To stop the rice from sticking the the mat,
I wrapped it in some plastic wrap. If you prefer not to use plastic wrap, you can also
use a sheet of parchment paper as a barrier though it will be a bit trickier.

I used plastic
today as I thought it would be easier to show you the technique. Grab a sheet of nori and fold it in half across
the long side. Then it'll be a cinch to tear into two. Lay the nori with the textured side up, wet
your hands lightly and grab a handful of rice.

Spread it on the nori gently. If the rice
starts sticking, just wet your hands a bit more. Just try to cover it evenly but don't
lay it on too thick. Even this is a bit too thick.

And just for fun, I'm sprinkling some sesame
seeds on top. Now, press down the rice firmly. You can use a spatula or just your damp hands. Now flip the nori over and it's time for the

Lay the fillings in the middle evenly. About this much. Too much and it won't roll
properly. Use the mat to roll the side closest to you,
over the fillings and tucking in the other side.

Squeeze gently, then release and keep
rolling. When it's rolled all the way, give it a firm
squeeze along the length, try to be as even as possible. Then voila! Sushi roll! I find it's easiest
to cut after the rolls have rested for a few minutes so repeat until you've used up your
ingredients. Then for the tricky part.

Cutting the sushi
into maki. The best thing to use is a very sharp knife that has been moistened a little.
My knives aren't the sharpest so the best one for me is this small serrated knife. Which ever knife you use, hold the sushi firmly
while cutting, don't press down too much, just cut back and forth and like the knife
do the work for you. I'm also cutting them not too thinly.

pieces hold together better but they should be small enough for you to eat in one bite. And that's it! Serve with soy sauce and wasabi
if you like. And eat! Vegan sushi is so easy to make and can be so healthy as well. Please
check out the links in the description for more vegan sushi suggestions.

Be creative
and use what you have on hand. As always thanks so much for watching this
video. To find out what I'm working on during the week, follow me on Twitter or Instagram! Bye for now!.

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