What have they been putting
in our pudding? Let's talk about that. <I> ( music playing )</i> Good Mythical Morning. You've chosen wisely
in joining us today because today's episode
is phenomenal with a capital "F"! Wha-- "Ph". In just a bit, we'll be
scientifically determining which fast foods
rats love most.
Yes, that's what we're doing. And we'll be jumping
into the popular new world of soap cutting. But first, we got boatloads
of pudding to eat. Mm-hmm, and these aren't
just any puddings.
These are puddings we typically
wouldn't be caught dead eating, which is great
because we've got a guest who knows a thing or two
about the dead... And the undead. It's time to play.... For this mystery food
taste test, we just so happen
to have the star of one of the most iconic
pudding scenes in TV history! From "The Walking Dead"
and the upcoming movies "Only" and
"Inherit the Viper," Please welcome
Chandler Riggs.
- Welcome to the show, man.
- Give us one of these. - Thank you.
- Oh, there it is. - Double shake.
- Yeah. Oh, yeah.
- Welcome to the show...
- Yeah, thanks, guys. ( Shuddering ) Yes, that iconic scene,
we're going to show
a little still here. <I>You're sitting on the roof,
as Carl,</i> <i>eating an economy sized
bucket of pudding</i> <i>while a walker
is reaching for you.</I> I mean, this could be
the most iconic pudding scene
in history. You may be the author of that.
Did you know,
when you were eating
the pudding, that, oh,
it's like this is big. No, I really just thought,
like, "Wow, when can I stop eating
this pudding?" - You ate a lot of pudding?
- It was a lot of pudding. Oh, you weren't
spitting it out? No, no, I had to eat it.
Yeah, yeah. You might be spitting
some of this out.
- Yeah, today.
- Yeah, that's right. I don't know what's in it. We've got several rounds
of mystery puddings, and they're not typical
pudding flavors. These puddings
are made out of things
that you will not, or maybe should not
ever find on the shelves.
Yes, and whoever wins will be labeled
the Prince of Pudding and be awarded
the royal sword, which may or may not
look exactly like a large wooden spoon used
to mix the pudding. All right,
let's get to pudding. The generic looking pudding
is before us, but something tells me the
flavor is nothing but generic. And we're sharing this,
I see.
Nothing but generic?
Does that make sense? - Anything but generic.
- Anything but generic. We knew what you meant. All right, let's take a dip. - Don't be sh-- you guys
are going small here.
- That's plenty.
Okay, dink it. - Oh, oops.
- Oh, drop it. Oh, I wanted to dink so bad. Dink it.
Ooh, you having trouble?
Is it bad? - Yeah, it's bad.
- ( Chandler coughing ) - It's-- it's spicy.
- Whoo! Your body is trained to know
what pudding tastes like, so when it tastes like this-- - That is not pudding.
- It's horrible. It's not that bad, guys.
Come on. It's spicy. Um, oh, man.
Okay, so here's
how this works. Oh, gosh. Stevie's gonna count down
from three, and we're gonna say
our guesses. That's if you have a guess.
And if you have a guess, and you get it right,
you get two points. However, if you think
that you need a hint,
if she gives a hint, and then the first person
to get it right after that hint
gets one point. Okay? And if you guess during
the two-point round, during the countdown, you cannot guess
after the hint. I know what this is because my mama put this
on lots of things.
I don't mean
to give you a hint 'cause I could be
totally wrong, but I'm guessing
'cause I'm going
for the two points - right off the bat.
- I'm gonna take a hint. Uh, uh... Stevie:<i>
Okay, who's guessing?</I> - Me.
-<I> Three, two, one...</I> Gravy on my mama's
country fried steak. <I> No.</I> - What?
- Well-- My mama puts this
on country style steak, and I am right.
- Maybe she's been putting
pudding on there.
- Yeah. Okay, fine,
you guys get the hint. <I> Okay, here's the hint.</I> <i> Spotted cats
love this pudding.</I> Spotted--
What's a spotted cat? - Spotted cats?
- A leopard? - Chandler's getting close.
- A cheetah pudding? They don't feed pudding
to those critters. <I> Okay, guys, I'm just gonna
give this one to you.</I> <i> It's Flamin' Hot Cheetos.</I> - Oh, Chester the Cheetah.
- Link: What? So now we've messed up
pudding and Cheetos.
- Spotted cats.
- This one is l-- This one's a lighter brown,
Chandler. I don't-- I don't like this. Let's get a three-way dink it
and sink it on this one. Okay, all right.
Dink it, sink it. ( Shudders ) The consistency of pudding, combined with anything
besides what should be pudding is horrible. - Oh, my.
- I think I might
actually have this one. I definitely have a guess, but I'm trying to narrow it down
between two different things.
Oh. This is so bad. There's one thing in it
that I think is rancid. - Rhett: Man...
- You guys think-- you-- Chandler has a guess.
Are you going
for the two points? - I'm going--
- I'm going for it, too. - Yeah.
- I'm not. <I> Okay, three, two, one...</I> - Mashed potatoes.
- Asparagus. - Mashed potatoes?
-<I> Incorrect.</I> I said asparagus.
That's not right? -<I> That is not correct.
- Dang it! - Is mashed potatoes correct?
- So, Link, here's your hint. No. It is a green thing
that kids don't like to eat. Yeah, that was my other guess.
Broccoli. -<I> Correct. </I>
- Yeah. - Broccoli.
- I was, like-- I couldn't tell if it was
broccoli or asparagus.
I can totally taste it. And I went with
the wrong one. One point for Daddy. Okay.
Now, this one-- this one-- You know,
any unsuspecting passerby just might say, "Let me dip
into some of this pudding." It's a little bit lighter
than you would typically enjoy. Chandler, I can't help but
notice you're getting less
and less. For a reason,
for a very good reason. You're learning
that it doesn't take much.
Dink it and sink it. Rhett: Uh-oh. ( Gags ) - Savory?
- Oh, man. - What? What?
- Oh, h-- Ooh, I'm getting
something oceanic.
- Oceanic.
- Link: Yeah. - A lot more than you can taste.
- Oh, my God, yeah. I know what this is. Hold on.
Hold on. Oh, you swimming with me? Now that I'm smelling it, yes. Yeah, but which oceanic
thing is it? - You think you know
for certain?
- Yeah. Well, I'm already in the lead,
so I'm going to push further.
I'm trying to be
aggressive here. <I> All right, who's gonna guess
without a hint?</I> Me. I mean, I have a guess, but I'm not confident enough
without a hint. That's right.
He's not confident enough.
Here we go. <I> All right. Link, go ahead.</I> Clam chowder. <I> Incorrect.</I> ( mocking )
Clam chowder.
Did it not--
Does it taste-- If I told you
that was clam chowder,
would you believe me? - Honestly, yes.
- See? - Yes.
- Okay, but I'm wrong.
What's the hint? <I> Okay, so this thing
also functions</i> <i> as an insult
for small people.</I> - Uh--
-<i> Oh, come on.</I> - Oh, count--
- Shrimp! -<I> Correct. </I>
- Hah! I almost said, "Oyster?" I'm having so much fun just
eating pudding with you guys. - It's so great.
- I don't like this. We should-- You don't like--
You're not having a good time? We're gonna run into
each other on the street, and you're just gonna run
the other direction.
Yeah, yeah.
Not again. You've eaten pudding
in the presence
of rotting flesh, man. - You can handle anything.
- That's true. Chandler: I don't like
the consistency of this.
This one's more liquefied. This is really liquid. - Triple wooden dink?
- Dink. Triple sink.
Rhett: Hmm. Oh, God. What are you experiencing? Like lots of pain and sadness. This is bad.
But I think that what it is
was good at one point. Let's convince ourselves
that it was good. I think you gotta cut
through the pudding and find the prize. You know what I'm saying? I'm trying, man.
I'm trying.
The problem is the coldness. The coldness-- No, it's ultimately good. It is ultimately good. People are ultimately good.
And whatever is in his pudding is ultimately good as well. I have an optimistic viewpoint
on the world, boys. I'm just getting
cold gravy again. I have no clue.
- It's super meaty.
- It's meaty, right? Meaty, saucy. -<I> Anybody wanna guess? </I>
- Nope. - ( Chandler groans )
- You wanna guess? - No.
- I need a clue. <I> The clue is it's good
for the soul.</I> Soup! Campbell's soup--
chicken soup.
<I> It's chicken soup.</I> - Chicken noodle soup.
- Soup! Chicken-chicken! We cannot let him
run away with this. Yeah. So, Chandler,
when you leave here, what are you
gonna tell people about your Good Mythical
experience? - Great time, great time.
- The guys are-- great time. Great pal, great people.
- So you're gonna lie.
- Yeah. - Good, good.
- Yes. Yeah. Don't worry.
That's good. I love how
you're pre-coughing. Yep. Okay, I just--
You know? Oh, whoa, it's a--
It's a big mass.
This is chunky. Okay. What in the world's
happened there? - It's like it's got
its own shape to itself.
- Look at that. What do you mean it's got
its own shape to itself? It's separating from the sides.
It wants to be one thing.
You know what I'm saying?
It doesn't wanna spread. It wants to accumulate. Okay. Dink 'er, sink 'er.
I gotta guess.
Hah! I really gotta guess. There's a gripping flavor
to this one. - Gripping.
- Yeah. It's actually good.
Yeah, it's not bad. This is the best one so far. - Yeah.
- It's giving me signals that says, "Not a pudding! Enjoy it as something
totally different."
You know? Okay, here's what
I'm gonna do for you guys. I feel very confident
in what this is, but if I get it right
without a hint, I go up to four points, and you guys are just left
in the dust.
- Do you think you know
what it is?
- I have no clue. I'm taking myself
out of the pre-guess. I'm taking myself--
but if you give me a hint, oh, boy, I'm gonna take it. I'm gonna take it, so...
You think you know
what it is? - Yeah, I-- I mean, again--
- It's sour. I've been on this show
long enough to know that
I could be completely wrong, but it feels so obvious to me, but I could be
completely wrong. Let's talk
our way through this. How does it taste to you?
What are you getting? I mean, it's-- yeah,
it's got, like, a sour-- it's very strong.
It's like...
Guys, I feel like it cuts
through in such a way that the pudding
doesn't even influence it. - It's pungent.
- It doesn't, yeah. You've tasted this before. <I> All right, who's gonna guess
without a hint?</I> I'm gonna take a hint.
- I don't-- I want a hint.
- Yeah. <I> This is the only other
ingredient</i> <i> on a Chick-fil-A sandwich.</I> - Pickles.
-<I> Correct.</I> Oh-- Here's a thing I will say, being in the lead
at this point, this isn't a skill
that you need to be proud of. You know what I'm saying? Where are you gonna apply
this to normal life? I mean, this isn't anything
to care about, right? It's like,
"What are you good at?" "Well, if you put
weird stuff in pudding, I can tell you what it is.
4.2 GPA." I think what Rhett's
getting at is the bragging rights go to
the person with zero points, so you're doing great. It just means you're
the most normal one.
No sniffing. But just taste it. Just dip it and then dink it, but I think the smell
is gonna go a long way, just based on what I just did. Chandler, given our
experience on this show, I'll go ahead and tell you,
this being the last pudding, it's probably not
gonna be gross at all.
It's gonna be really tasty. Oh. Your face says, "Not tasty." Oh. Yeah.
Yeah. It's got a strong
medicinal smell. I'm pretty sure I know
what this is as well. Oh, gosh, it's so strong.
Is it a fruit?
Is it a fruit? Or is it something
from the medicine cabinet? How specific do we need to be? -<I> It's pretty generic. </I>
- Okay. I'm definitely thinking
this is something that you find in a bathroom. - Yeah.
Okay, how about--
- But I don't know what. How about I'll give
the hints now? - What?
- You definitely find-- - You definitely find--
- You know what it is? Yes. You definitely
find this in a bathroom. ( Spits )
What are you tasting? I think I know what it is.
I'm not gonna say it, though.
Did you swallow it? - Yeah.
- Eww! All right, here--
All right, Chandler, you're our guest.
Here's what I suggest. He thinks he knows
what it is. Let him guess
for two points. - Yeah.
- You know what?
Three points.
And then if he gets it wrong, he still gets to respond
to the hint. - Okay.
- Before you, but not me. - I'm not responding at all.
- What's your guess? - It's just soap?
-<I> Correct.</I> - It is just soap!
- Okay, yeah. It's just soap.
- And you swallowed it.
- Yeah. It doesn't need to be
in pudding. It doesn't taste
like you would think, but it smells like
you would-- yeah. I need some more pickle pudding - to get this soap taste
out of my mouth.
- Yeah, to dilute this.
Okay, let's bring in
the scepter. Congratulations, guys. The two of you have tied,
so you have to fight over the magnificently large
wooden spoon. You know what,
Prince of Pudding?
You can have it.
- Oh. Wow.
- You can hang that over-- You can carry that
through town today. - Yes.
- Hang it on your wall in your-- in your apartment. Look, it's got a little
ornamentation there.
- Chandler: It does, yeah.
- What is that? Looks like a ghost
from Pac-Man taking a crap. All right, be sure to watch
"The Walking Dead" on AMC. And check out Chandler
in the upcoming movies "Only" and "Inherit the Viper"
in theaters soon. And keep watching - just to hang out
with us some more.
- Yeah.
Rhett:<i> Want a new way
to enjoy pudding
or just a beverage?</I> <i>Get our
Ear Biscuits mason jar,</i> <i>available at mythical.Store.</I>.
Blind Pudding Taste Test Ft. Chandler Riggs
Sunday, December 29, 2013
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