Hi Food Tube! Kerryanne here. I'm going to show you how to make classic sticky toffee pudding. It's warm, rich and gorgeous. It serves eight people and comes in at around about 65 pence.
That's around 1 US Dollar, per person. Who's going to argue with that. Don't worry if you've never made it before. Don't worry if you've never tried it before.
I'm here with you every single step of the way. Lets get started. I've got 225 grams of fresh dates, with the stones removed. Gorgeous.
I need one teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. It's going to act as a raising agent. 200Mls of boiling hot water. It's gonna soften them up a right treat.
We're gonna leave them to one side, and we're gonna get started on the cake. In this bowl I need 85 grams of softened unsalted butter. A 170 grams of caster sugar. Cream it together until it's all pale and lovely.
As a kid growing up, this was one of my favourite, favourite desserts. It is a little bit naughty so it's not something you'd have every weekend, but it's so good. You can see it's gone really pale and fluffy. I've got two large free-range eggs.
We're going to do those one at a time. Just because it's easier to mix it in. Now guys, you can use an electric whisk if you have one. I thought I'd do it like this today to show you the original way I was taught to make cakes.
You learn the proper way and then you adapt as you get a little bit more confident. And with confidence comes laziness. Shh! I've got a quarter of a teaspoon of ground mixed spice and then a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon.Give that a little mixy, mixy, mixy. Next, I'm going to add to add two tablespoons of erm, a malt drink.
I'm using Ovaltine, but if you can't get that any other kind of malt drink will do. Horlicks. Even the supermarket own brand malt drinks will be fine. And two tablespoons of natural yoghurt.
All mixed together nice and lovely. And now we're going to add the flour. About 5 heaped tablespoons of self raising flour. In we go with that.
Okay. So that's all nice and combined. Look at that. Lovely.
Now, we're going to go back to our dates. That hot water has now made those dates even more stickier and even softer. So what we gonna do is whack them in this processor with the water as well. This is what we're looking for.
Almost smooth, but not quite. So I'm gonna put this into the cake mixture as well. Try not to leave any in the blender. Because it's all good.
We don't want to waste it. We measure things for a reason, and this puree now not only will it act as a raising agent, and help the cake grow in the oven, but the dates will also keep it really moist and gorgeous. So lets mix that in lovely. I've just got a little blob of butter, and some greaseproof, just to grease the over-proof dish.
So that when the pudding comes out of the oven it won't be stuck to the dish. They you have it guys. My sticky toffee pudding is ready to go in the pre-heated oven 180, gas mark 4. About 35 minutes.
See you when we're finished. Now I'm going to get on with the toffee sauce. I've got 115 grams of unsalted butter. A 115 grams of light muscovado sugar.
Straight in. 140Mls of double cream. Stir this over the heat until the butter's melted the sugar's dissolved, and it's darkened just a little bit. Okay so guys come and have a look at this.
Two minutes later and look what we've got. The most gorgeous, silky, sticky, caramelly toffee sauce that you're ever probably going to taste in your life. Right, so the sponge is in the oven. The sauce is ready.
I'm going to sit down for five minutes. See you soon. Look at that guys. Doesn't that just look amazing? Now I've taken that out a few minutes ago to check if it was ready, by doing this cool little tip.
You get a skewer stick it in, and if it comes out clean, there's no mixture of any kind, whatsoever on there, you know it's ready. I've got my toffee sauce here. And I'm going to pour half over, so it soaks in lovely. And then the rest I'm going to pour into a jug, so we can serve on the side for the greedy ones like me who love a bit of toffee sauce.
You've got a little bit more on the side there. This is so good looking. Look at that guys. Oozy, gooey, sticky, delicious.
My mouth's watering. Here we go. Sticky toffee pudding. Now in my house they love it.
With a bit of vanilla ice cream. So there you have it guys. My classic sticky toffee pudding. Have a go.
Let me know how you get on. It's a brilliant, brilliant family favourite, It's delicious. It's affordable. The best part, affordable.
65 Pence per person, or one dollar for you guys over there in the States. So for more money saving meals have a
look at jamieoliver.Com/savewithjamie And if you like what I'm doing here, have a little look at my new channel. Woop woop. If you want to see some more stuff from me don't forget to subscribe.
Let me know what you wanna see. But most importantly enjoy yourselves. Happy cooking. For loads more great recipes and money saving tips go to jamieoliver.Com/savewithjamie And for more simple, affordable and tasty family recipes check out my other videos on Food Tube.
Please have a look around and subscribe to get the latest videos when they're uploaded. See you later!.
Kerryann's Sticky Toffee PuddingMoney Saving Meals
Monday, July 28, 2014
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