(Exciting fast music) - Oh, what's up? Hey, Andrew! How's it going? No come on, let's go, I got
another food adventure for us. - What are we eating? - Pasta. - All right. - Yeah, that's right.
(Fun rhythmic music) This guy right here, that's my boy.
Woo hoo, let's go! - This is wet, now I'm wet. - Pasta baby. We are on our way to eat
three of the best pastas in Los Angeles at three
drastically different price points, to find out which one is the
most worth it at its price. - Worth it.
- The last stop we're going to, I don't know if you're ready for it. - I've had $300 steak, $130 pizza, I think I'm ready for pasta. I have a feeling I know what
the highest one is gonna be. - No you don't, you ain't ready.
You weren't born ready. - Is it truffle though? - Don't worry about it, man. We're on our way right
now to Pasta Sister. Can I go this way? - No!
- No, no! - Do not enter!
- Yes, I can.
Where? - Oh yeah, it's a one way,
you can go down there. - Dang it guys. - If you start seeing cars
come towards us, just stop. (Serene lighthearted music) - I'm Francesco, I'm owner of Pasta Sister with my mother, Paola.
We decided to open this
place because we thought, in Los Angeles, there
are many great places, but very little made fresh pasta, low prices, like we do. We start early in the
morning making the pasta. We make it with Italian flour, because not all the
flours make good pasta. And not all the flour makes it yellow and beautiful to stay for seven days, like our pasta does.
- You guys are not sisters, obviously. I don't see any sisters here. - Sometimes though, they
say I'm the prettiest one. (People laughing) But my mom and her sister work here.
My sister Georgia, she
works in the front with us. Today we're gonna prepare
for you the tagliatelle arriabata, our lightly spicy tomato sauce. Put olive oil, chili
flakes, some garlic oil, when the pasta is ready,
you put the tomato sauce and put the parsleys, the last ingredient. And the pasta is done.
(Exciting rhythmic music) - Cheers.
- Cheers. - Wow, this tastes like the
adult version of root beer. Are we gonna eat off the same plate? - We got a lot of pasta to eat today, let's just avoid any Lady in
the Tramp type situations. - Here.
- Great, I hated that. It's very good pasta. - That was intense. - Every noodle is just blanketed in sauce.
- I also get that sense that I'm in his mamas kitchen in Italy. I've never been to Italy before but... (Man laughing) - We are gonna prepare, also, gnocchi, with a porcini mushroom and cream sauce. We use the porcini that
we made in the morning, adding some cream.
Everything made from scratch. - [Steven] Fresh gnocchi, he
described this as pillows. - [Andrew] Everything that
has ever been described as a pillow has been great. - This is like the ultimate
pillow fight for my mouth.
Holy smother.
- That's insane. - So is gnocchi pasta? - These are easily the
best gnocchi I've ever had. Oh man, we haven't had
any of this bread yet. - Look how easy it is to
pull apart, no effort at all.
- It's like mamas best. - These are all my moms best recipes. But from our secret menu, we
have the spaghetti bottarga, with the dry fish eggs from (mumbles). - [Steven] We're gonna
definitely get that, yeah buddy.
- [Andrew] Yeah. - You know when you've been a good boy, and your mom just gives
you an extra treat. Mmm. - I mean this flavor is insane, it tastes like it's covered in cheese, that's how rich it is.
- Why is this on the secret menu though? My stomach is full but
my heart is (mumbles). - I'm not gonna say
anything, so let's just go. - Talk about them sisters
though, I mean, not in that way. (Men laughing) - It's like a neighborhood
deli that also makes the best pasta you've ever had.
- They are unapologetic
about being themselves. - And they don't even have a bathroom. Speaking of which, we gotta
get to the next place ASAP. - Pasta fact! - Pasta fact, pasta fact! (Man screaming) - According to the International
Pasta Organization, how many different shapes of pasta are produced throughout the world? - There's an International
Pasta Organization? 100.
(Man loud screaming) 600? - Whoa! Did you cheat? You cheated. - No, I didn't. - There's more than 600 kinds, yes. - Really?
- Wowza! So right now we're on
our way Osteria Mamma.
How do you say excuse me in Italian? - Scusa. - No it's not. - Yeah it is. - Really? - Scusa, scusa papa pasta.
- There you go. - Do I sound remotely, at all, correct? (Exciting fun music) - This is Osteria Mamma,
my name is Filippo Cortivo. I am the owner. We opened this restaurant,
a gift to my mother.
That's why mamma is the name. This is our home. The dough, we have flour from Italy, some very delicate double zero flour. You can't be too fast,
you can't be too slow.
- [Steven] And that's why
it has to be handmade. - [Filippo] That's why we
do everything handmade, because we like to keep
control of that process. Then we let the pasta dry for
a while, and then it's ready. - What are you gonna be serving us today? - Today, we'll try two pasta.
The first dish we're gonna prepare is the black squid ink bigoli,
with the bottarga shrimp. But first we add cherry
tomato, we shave the bottarga, and as always, white wine. - What makes really good pasta for you? - Perfect pasta for
me, is when the noodles combine with the sauce, that's the flavor you have
exposed in your mouth. - Round two, course one.
Bigoli neri alla bottarga. - I do have a second stomach, I just like move it in
place when I need it. - I always have my second stomach engaged. (Light serene music)
- Cheers.
(Man groaning) - This is really special. - It is true what he said,
the noodles sucked in all the flavoring here. - This is a flavor explosion. - And then when it's in your mouth.
(Loud breath of air) - The second dish for you guys is gonna be the green spinach pappardelle
in a duck ragu sauce. It's extra virgin olive
oil, a little bit of garlic, the ground duck all ready pre-cooked, so you add a little bit of cherry tomato. - [Steven] White wine? - [Filippo] You know, we're Italian, so we like to put wine everywhere. (Men laughing) What we try to give is like
a little jump in Italy.
I told before about
explosion in your mouth, and the wine is a part of it. - It reminds me of me and Andrew, we're two very imperfect people, but together, perfect
explosion in the world. - [Andrew] Sure. - How's that wine? - Luxurious.
- Mmm, that has a deep smell. - How deep does it smell? - Kind of like your deep voice. - Let me get that pasta. - Cheers.
- Yeah. - That's a lot of flavor. - Control it to your mouth, please. - Uncontainable, you know what-- - Flavor explosion.
- No, it's not even an explosion anymore, it's like dynamite. - That is an explosion. (Loud slurping) It's the first time I've
made that sucking noise on the show today. - This pasta is not just more expensive.
- You're getting more
there, you're getting that meat sauce, you're getting
that complete fish dish. - And it's still simple. If one of us is pasta,
and one of us is sauce. Who's pasta, who's sauce? - Say who you think you are on three.
One, two, three. - [Both] Pasta. (Men laughing lightly) Do you like that? The squid ink pasta, never
had a noodle like that. It was very imperfect and craggly, but it was also a thick strand.
- I think the best dish we had so far, was the duck ragu one. - [Adam] Pasta fact, some
of the earliest recorded reports of eating noodles come from China as early as 5000 BC. Pasta fact. - All righty, the last
place, the final spot.
We're gonna get some truffle pasta. - I called it. - But this is gonna be different. They're gonna be lighting a
wheel of Parmesan on fire.
It's dinner and a show. As far as (mumbles), I
freaking love white truffle. - Do your pasta dance. Cut that out.
- Pasta. (Intense dramatic music) - What sort of noodle
are you making there? And do you make it here? (Men laughing) - So it's an Italian dish, but you're putting a French spin on it. - Excited. Ready for a show.
- Let's go. That is the white truffle,
you all ready started-- Here you go Andrew. Thank you so much Chef. But to end the day, we have the $100 flambeed white truffle pasta dish.
Are you prepared? - I've had five pastas today, I think I'm as prepared as I'll ever be. So this is the first
time that some theatrics have been added to our dining experience. Are you gonna have any wine? - I'm gonna have a taste. (Serene light music) This is splendid.
I need a moment to
prepare myself to eat it. So if you wanna take a bite first, I derive pleasure from
watching people eat. - I don't like that you're
just watching me eat. Damn it.
You better get in here. - I feel like camera guy should
have some before I should. - Are you gonna have any of
this because it's really good, and I have no self control. - Okay, I'm gonna take a bite.
- How's it going? - Mmm. - Disappointed? - Mmm. - [Andrew] No, I don't think so. - Wow, the white truffle is indescribable.
And we talked about
flavor explosions today, this is the most intense flavor explosion. - I just live life one
flavor explosion at a time. - You more so do it just
like a bunch at a time, you never stop eating. You feel like our French
(mumbles) been cemented? - I feel like my stomach
has been cemented, with about two pounds of pasta.
- Just admit it. - I admit nothing. - We just ate six different
pasta dishes in one day. You know what's coming? Which pasta was the most worth it.
I do believe that $100 pasta,
it was worth the money. You got interact with the chef. - The fact that he flambeeded... - Yeah.
(Quiet burping) - Hey, that's a $35 burp right there.
- But to me, that wasn't the
most worth it, at it's price. - Osteria Mamma, you
get the handmade pasta, married with a great sauce,
no question it's worth it. - My worth it winner today, hands down, goes to Pasta Sister.
(Bell ringing) - [Andrew] Yeah, I also pick Pasta Sister. - Yowza.
A25 for authentic Italian cuisine straight from their handmade pasta to my mouth. (Man laughing) Unbelievable. - They had the most incredible
gnocchi I've ever had. - I guess we should really
ask Bianci what he thinks, considering he is the most
Italian person in this car.
- He grew up in Ohio. - Oh, me too. Pasta lavista. - No! I love it when you call me big pasta.
(Men laughing) I just remembered that one. - [Man] Oh yes!.
$8 Pasta Vs. $100 Pasta
Sunday, October 21, 2018
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