Exotic Seafood DishesHow to Cook Octopus & Scallops for Octopus Seafood Pasta

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Exotic Seafood DishesHow to Cook Octopus & Scallops for Octopus Seafood Pasta

I'm going to chop some garlic, probably three
cloves. That's the fast way to peel the garlic, press on it. I'm going to put some shallots,
about one tablespoon. In the shallots and same thing with the garlic.

I'm going to drop
some scallops in there, see smoking. Same thing with shrimp, octopus and muscles. Put
on the low heat with some salt and pepper, that's about it. Put some seasoned salt, it
has already salt, pepper, all the good flavors in there.

I'm going to put some pepper and
and some rosemary, time and sage and that's it. You mix it. After five minutes I'm going
to add some white wine and I'm going to add four teaspoons of butter to have that good
creamy type of sauce and let it simmer for about ten to eleven minutes and it's going
to be cooked..

Easy Bolognese RecipeJamie Oliver

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Easy Bolognese RecipeJamie Oliver

Hello you lovely people. Jamie here. So we're gonna do an incredible classic family-friendly beautiful ragu. Perfect
as a base for loads of great dishes like spaghetti bolognaise lasagne, chilli and cannelloni.

economical. Filling. Dead easy to knock up in a big
batch and store in the freezer. Plus it's a great way to sneak extra
veg into your kids at meal times.

There's loads more great recipes like
this over on Family Food Tube right now. Please go and check out our channel after this video. Right, lets get cracking. We're gonna get ourselves some Rosemary.

Two nice big sprigs. Grab the stalk and pull it off. Chop that up and then next to it I've got some lovely smoked bacon. 100 Grams.

I'm just slicing this bacon up. If you are parent of a baby that's weaning you wouldn't use the bacon because it's got salt in it. We'll put a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in a pan, whack it onto full-whack. Go in with the rosemary and the smokey bacon.

So that's the beginning of our story. I've got one kilo of minced beef, and one kilo of minced pork. Init goes and we'll just break that up. If budget is a real issue what you can use is half as much mince meat.

No problem at all, and maybe go in with a similar amount of lentils. And honestly sometimes if you get the method, like I'm going to teach you right, it's really hard to tell the difference. Can you see how the water is coming out of the meat. That's fine.

We'll keep stirring it for about 10 minutes until it starts to fry again. Until we get a lovely lightly golden mince meat. Listen guys can you hear that? That's a good sound! If it's sticking if it's sizzling. That means flavour.

And of course if you say that a couple of minutes later that means burnt. So don't burn it. Keep your eyes peeled. Now look, that's now browning off beautiful.

I'm going to rattle a load of my veg in here. It's easy, it's quick and it's very unformed. So we're going to use two onions, four carrots, and zip it up. Cut that up to the same size as the mine meat.

Go in with the onions. Do exactly the
same. You could add other things in. A little bit of squash, zucchini, or courgettes is really, really good.

Four sticks of celery. Lovely colours. Stir all these veggies in. Intense flavours.

It's going to be absolutely gorgeous. So look, I'm going to stir that every minute for the next 10 minutes and
then I'll add all the wet stuff. So, have a look at that. This has been cooking, come here.

This has been cooking now for about 20 minutes in total. Okay so we've really developed flavour. Go in with two heaped tablespoons of tomato puree. This is just gonna give
it a lovely depth.

And then we're gonna go in with four lovely tins of plum tomatoes. Now, another little tip. If you want the best, sweetest, most perfect tomatoes, always plums. As far as regular tomatoes are concerned anything that is not quite perfect then gets chopped or turned into passata.

Fill up your four tins that are empty with water and it'll look quite wet when you stir it in, but don't worry because that's gonna simmer now on a gentle heat for about one and a half hours/two hours
and that will reduce down. The plum tomatoes will just naturally
break up when you give it a little stir. And you're gonna create the most wonderful, beautiful robust ragu sauce. Remember we've made twice as much as we need.

That's you know, possibly another ten meals. You can bag it up in the freezer for months. Just run it under the tap and plop it out of this bag into a pan and you can reheat it in minutes. Minutes, minutes, minutes.

Brilliant little tips. Don't forget to label it. Squeeze the air out. The thinner it goes, the quicker it's gonna freeze and the quicker you can reheat it.

Okay, so we'll zip it up like that. Let it go to room temperature, and then actually put it in the freezer shelf just like that. Okay and then it'll go super hard and then you can rack it up. Almost like a library of kind of edible books.

Really good little tip. That is my classic humble family ragu. My guys love it. I hope you love it.

If you want the
recipe hit the link below. Somewhere down there there will be a recipe. Also guys we've just launched a new channel, and that's the Family Food Tube channel. Hit the link now.

Hit the link. And go subscribe if you're a parent and that channel is
all about doing recipes and talking to parents and really trying to help them make being a great parent and cooking beautiful fresh food. Easier, and better. But guys until next time.

Thank you very much. Bye! I've used this Ragu to make a dead easy lasagne over on Family Food Tube. Your family
will love it. Hit the box on the screen or follow the link in the description box
below to watch it right now..

Classic Tomato SauceSuper-Quick Pasta Sauces

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Classic Tomato SauceSuper-Quick Pasta Sauces

Pasta compomodori. It's basic, basic tomato sauce. The basis of lots of Italian recipes. It is classic.

We are going to show you two different directions One is gonna be arrabiata and
then the other one is tuna and capers Onions and garlic and tinned tomatoes are your base Ems, you're on the onions. I'm going to chop the garlic My trick with garlic is I put a bit of salt on it and it releases all the juices Look at all that moisture That's the salt that's released that. It makes it really easy to crush with a flat blade. A nice glug of olive oil.

Heat it up Ready? Yup We've got a lovely mix of different sized onions in there. Authentic. In theory you'd have them all diced nice and fine. Garlic wants to go in a little bit later because you don't want it to burn, the garlic
cooks much quicker than the onion's.

Ems will you open the tin of tomatoes. Make sure they're chopped Mum's shown us how to do this. It just saves you pulling them out and chopping them. There we go nice chopped tomatoes Look at that! Because there's a lot of liquid in there we also cheat with the stock.

Crumble that stock in and it will dissolve Trust me! It does the job, it really does. There's some bigger chunks of tomatoes there. Just bash it down with your spoon Put some salt and pepper in them and then pepper anchino, which is cayenne pepper. Not enough to make it spicy.

It should just give it a little heat That is a classic tomato sauce. I'm just going to have a little taste. I'll have a little taste too please. Leave it to simmer as it is, for about 15 minutes but that's pretty much the same time as your pasta's going to cook Mum would literally make this in vats Do you want to come and have a little look? This is where she stores all the essentials Italian tuna, Italian pasta.

Here we go. Come September they'll probably be 15 of these and these are brilliant because they're like little bricks, they're perfect for two people. You can pop that straight into a pan from frozen, ten minutes on the heat? Mum's going to hate the fact that we're in here. Don't tell her! Come on, take a look at our pasta store cupboard  essentials video.

Just click on the link below So we're going to split this sauce and show you arrabiata, which is spicy, a bit like a pesto, really versatile. Let's put our pasta in because that's going to take ten minutes So this pasta that we're using here is fusilli. All those little twists really mop up the sauce, and you'll have gooey tomato sauce running through that pasta. Chop up some pancetta now So that's nice and warm You don't need any oil because this pancetta will just, it's got enough fat in it If you say you're arrabiata you're cross, you're angry, they call it that because it's fiery and spicy You don't want to get rid of that fat because it's full of flavour and saltiness and it's really good Look at those bits Nice and crispy and delicious If you're going to have an arrabiatta you want it nice and hot.

Half a teaspoon of chilli flakes As you can see it's quite meaty thick sauce now. Just before I put the pasta in there I'm going to add a little bit of the pasta water. Come on Em's. I'm ready.

We want 50/50 yeah? Marry the pasta on the heat. Always This one's your spicy Arrabiata And then the other one is really simple
we loved it as kids tuna and capers My tuna's gone in Capers will give it a little bit of saltiness
and it goes really really well with the fish After our swimming lessons when we were kids, instead of going to the fish and chip shop like everyone else, we went home for a plate of pasta with tuna I want a drizzle of olive oil I'm going, I'm not waiting for you. I want parmesan on mine too. Yup, really good Chilli? Yup, it's got a hit.

It's good. Ohhh, everytime You can try some of mine.


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Hey folks it is Barry here welcome to my virgin
kitchen it is Barry here, today I am showing you how to make a really simple penne chicken
pasta dish. It is so good and in fact a dish that I just
chucked together the other night I posted it on Instagram and people were like oh my
gosh I want to see how you made that so I. Am just going to cook along and make the dish
again. Hopefully you know when you make something
and just throw all the ingredients together it never tastes the same but I am going to
try my best, here are the ingredients, hit pause and write them down.
The first step I am doing is with these mini chicken fillets is give them a dry rub in
the Cajun seasoning all over, so there is no oil, a complete dry rub, but you can use
oil if you like to speed things up! We also have some spring onions (scallions),
pepper, and chopped tomatoes we have some cream, chardonnay, pepper and smoked salt
flakes, super good.

A chicken stock cube and some fresh penne pasta.
All good let me show you how to do it. Alright so the first step is to just get a
load of flames for my hob the first one is warming up the water for my pasta, my griddle
pan is getting nice and hot, and this pan will be perfect for our sauce thing.
The chicken get the griddle pan nice and hot, cook them for 4 minutes either side. The chicken
is nice and thin so should not take much longer than that, turn it over as I say 4 minutes
either side and then just leave it to rest. Fantastic so I am just taking that chicken
off of the heat and my water is ready now you can probably hear boston licking his bowl
he is drinking I will show you in a bit.

I. Am going to get my pasta into the bowl, so
that is fresh pasta in there, in it goes. Going to have to wash my hands now but I think
he can smell the chicken. Anyhow lets work on our pan now for the sauce.
For the sauce that pan is nice and hot about a tablespoon of oil, when I add in these ingredients
it may sizzle as it is hot, but in go the tomatoes, peppers and spring onions.
Hopefully you will agree that is looking colourful I am crumbling in a chicken stock cube now,
this is our cream in that goes, oh yeah baby, nice and soothing, a generous seasoning of
pepper, and this is some smoked salt, so good! Yes my friends this is our chardonnay oh yes,
definitely chardonnay, I am putting about 2 tablespoons in there, nice little fizz to
it, quite fruity but that alcohol content will burn off so you get that flavour in there.
Mix this right through it will foam up a bit.

The last thing is a sprinkle of fresh chopped
parsley about a tablespoon of that just going to mix it through and add more at the end
to garnish it too. But we are just going to warm this through,
keep our eye on the pasta, it probably has about another 2 minutes left, we will drain
it off and bring together. Amazing so my pasta is done I have drained
that off, our sauce is nice and done all I. Am going to do is push the sauce into our
fresh pasta.

And then you want to get your spatula in there and give it a darn good stir
around get it all nice and coated. In terms of finishing it off plonk your pasta
into a big old dish, place the Cajun chicken strips on top, give another season of black
pepper and then finish with more parsley. I hope you agree it is looking stonking, thought
I would show you how to make it and as I say in a more relaxed setting cooking along, it
tastes amazing, send me a picture if you try it, check out my last video and subscribe
if you have not already. See you next time..

Build Your Own Pasta Dish

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Build Your Own Pasta Dish

Hi, Im Annie, a dietetics student at Virginia
Tech. Have you ever gotten home from work, looked
in the fridge, and not known what to make for dinner? On those busy days, pasta dishes are a great
way to make quick and easy meals out of the ingredients you already have on hand. You and your family can have fun choosing
from a variety of pasta shapes, proteins, vegetables, and sauces that everyone enjoys. We are going to make a hot pasta dish out
of whole wheat rotini, red and green peppers, onions, spinach, chicken, and marinara sauce.

Any of these ingredients can be substituted
for what your family has in your kitchen. For example, frozen mixed vegetables are a
quick and easy option, and canned beans or tofu could be used for a vegetarian meal. Keeping canned and frozen versions of your
favorite vegetables is a great way to build a #BetterPantry. To make our pasta, we will saute all the vegetables,
add in cooked chicken, and then simmer everything in marinara sauce.

When cooking the noodles for tonights dinner,
you can make extra that can be kept in the fridge for tomorrow. This will give you a headstart to make a yummy
pasta salad. The pasta salad can use leftover ingredients
from other recipes. We chose to use bell peppers, onions, and
cherry tomatoes for our vegetables and beans for our protein.

Finally you can add lots of flavor with salad
dressing, such as fat free italian. In just a short amount of time, we put together
delicious dishes that do not require a lot of money or a complicated recipe. There are many ways to build your own pasta
dish. Create a new family favorite and share your
ideas today..

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