Exotic Seafood DishesHow to Cook Octopus & Scallops for Octopus Seafood Pasta

Exotic Seafood DishesHow to Cook Octopus & Scallops for Octopus Seafood Pasta

I'm going to chop some garlic, probably three
cloves. That's the fast way to peel the garlic, press on it. I'm going to put some shallots,
about one tablespoon. In the shallots and same thing with the garlic.

I'm going to drop
some scallops in there, see smoking. Same thing with shrimp, octopus and muscles. Put
on the low heat with some salt and pepper, that's about it. Put some seasoned salt, it
has already salt, pepper, all the good flavors in there.

I'm going to put some pepper and
and some rosemary, time and sage and that's it. You mix it. After five minutes I'm going
to add some white wine and I'm going to add four teaspoons of butter to have that good
creamy type of sauce and let it simmer for about ten to eleven minutes and it's going
to be cooked..

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