Nice one Food Tubers, Jamie Oliver here and
I am with Alex James! He makes cheese, I make food so I invented a Festival and we called
it "Feastival" So, we have a Feastival every August,
between August and September. Alex: Last day of August, first day of September,
on my farm. Jamie: We have a little rave up and it's brilliant,
and fantastic and it's like everything that we love about food, eating well. Like demonstrations
with all the best chefs and like amazing suppliers and he sorts out all the music, great music.
Alex: This year, we've got Basement Jaxx, Rizzlekicks, Mark Owen's coming, Leanne La
Havas is coming, Cuban Brothers your favourite Jamie: Maybe some people out there don't know
that you love food and this is your cheese yeah? Alex: It is, well people used to throw
cheese at me when Blur were playing because they knew that I loved it.
Some musicians
got knickers, I got cheese. Jamie: What I. Want to do is a nice recipes called Pasta
Fonduta, Pasta Fonduta. It's basically like making the kind of fondue sauce, but you can
embrace green things and right now asparagus is good, but it could be spinach.
This pasta
sauce is the easiest thing in the world. It does help if you have a carrier,
The carrier being, it could be double cream or it could be mascarpone bits. If you
cut bits of your cheese and we're just going to melt this slowly. This is in a bowl over
some boiling water, the same boiling water we are going to cook the pasta in you know,
the nice thing is I'm not doing it in a pan, it's not aggressive it's really gently melting
the cheese feel free to put whatever cheese you fancy in bro.
If you have never had marjoram.
Buy some seeds brilliant weed, it comes back every year. It's really good with cheese,
best friends with cheese in the world and also, as per all herbs just has a whole catalogue
of wonderful medicinal values that you just want to know about. And this is an unwaxed
lemon. Notice, that it's only the beautiful fragrant yellow lemony partsAlex: They smell
amazing don't they.
So zingy. Jamie: I don't want it to be a sherbet dip.
So i#m only using half. I don't want to spoil the cheese. But look, that's all I've used.
Half a lemon Alex: Let me know if you want me to taste
that Jamie: All we've got to do is melt all those
cheese down and then just like.
Take it to France. And then this pan now goes onto full
whack. We've got fast boiling water. We've got a generous amount of salt going in the
No, you're not going to eat the salt but if you do not season the water it's going
to be bland and you will never ever catch up. We are going to go in with this taglialine,
of course you can use a spaghetti. You can put the lid on for a second as soon as that
comes back to the boil we go in with our asparagus. I'm going to cut them at an angle mate, cutting
it on a bias they call it.
All pasta says different times because it might be made with
eggs or water and when it's two minutes away from being cooked, that's when we go in with
the asparagus. So this is getting towards, I don't want to overcook it. Alex: It's a
really nice colour that pasta Jamie: We can drain this right now in a colander. But actually,
one of the most valuable things to any pasta dish on the planet it's not a pasta,
it's not the source it's the starchy water in which it was
I'm just going to flip that, in there. A little bit like cooking the perfect omelette,
you want to go a little bit too wet so you're embracing all the things that you love and
we go back here, to starchy water again, and we're going to feed it
because it's not perfect because it's sucked up too much water. Forget the flavour, we've
got flavour yeah. Texture, if the texture's all wrong, it's rubbish.
So there we go, we're
going to pour that onto our plate here. So with a lot of cooking, we are storytelling
here. And a little bit of a reminder of the lemon juice because it's going to perfume
up over the top. What's quite nice is a little bit of black pepper from a height.
Now black
pepper, is that classic sort of heat from carbonara. It wouldn't be a pasta dish with
out some good cold pressed extra virgin olive oil. Ladies and gents, that is. Pasta Fonduta
a la Alex James scenario Alex: It smells and looks so inviting.
Jamie: Thanks for coming around man.
Alex: Ah mate, I can't wait to see you down
the farm Jamie: Feastival's going to be wicked this
year Alex: Oh the lemonyness is just divine! Jamie:
I've studied for years how to do it like Nigella. She's just so sexy, Anyway. Thanks Alex, very
much. We're going to carry on eating like pigs.
We're just going to wear it basically
we're in cheese and pasta heaven. See you at the Feastival! Lots of love, don't forget
comment, subscribe. God bless!.
Jamie Oliver's fantastic cheesy pasta with Alex James from Blur
Saturday, April 13, 2019
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