Hi! Welcome to Spanish Cooking. Today we will prepare egg custard pudding or "flan de huevo"
It has been consumed in each household in Spain for decades when I was a child I had lots of it
super easy to do and delicious so first we need to prepare some caramel.
In a small pot heat 3 tablespoons of caster sugar with
a couple tablespoons of water don't touch it just wait until it starts bubbling, then
wait until it gets some brown color so you will see that it takes relatively short time. Don't touch it just wait. Then, when you're happy with
the color you can add some lemon juice drops to
avoid sudden solidification so you will have more time to pour it
into molds.
Now you can move it and turn off the heat, just put all the caramel being in your moulds you don't
need to distribute it evenly as afterwards when cooking in the cups the
custard, it will be liquid again Now heat 750 milliliters milk and add some vanilla drops if you like. I think it provides a nice flavor. Once it's about boiling just turn off the heat and
that's it. Now in another bowl crack 5 eggs and beat them which 8 to 10 tablespoons cast sugar until the sugar is
dissolved you can adjust the amount of sugar
depending on your taste I think that as the custard is consumed
cold you need to quite big amount of sugar to have nice
flavor, otherwise is like tasteless.
And now you can add your milk but do it in batches not all
together because otherwise the egg would be cooked. You don't want this so slowly... And now you can put your moulds on a tray filled with
warm water enough for half covering the moulds and fill the moulds with the mixture. So first I roughly fill
the moulds and then I add just the amount of liquid
so each mould has the same and a nice trick for getting nice
custer without dried borders is to cover each mold with aluminum foil.
Just takes a minute and
it's a nice trick in the meantime of course preheat you
oven to 200 degrees Celsius and once it's warm you can put your custard in the oven for 20 minutes or until they
are completely cooked. How you know it? Well, after twenty
minutes take them out and check with a knife yes, uncover one of the molds and check with a knife. If it
remains clean then it's ready.. Let's see...
Yeah it's ready so now you need to let
them cool for at least two to three hours in
the fridge and then you can taste it. I use to help
myself by scrapping the borders with a knife as
you see here and voil! Your egg custard pudding is ready! The result this really
impressive and it's very easy to do so I hope you
try it out And of course don't forget to enjoy it!
See you soon! .
Monday, March 10, 2014
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