Welcome to
"Good Mythical"-- Hey! "Check your voicemail." We have a voicemail.
Let's check it. Man:<i>
Hey, what's going on,
everybody?</I> <i> So, uh,</i> <i> which one of you guys
wants to get slapped</i> <i> with a rubber chicken
now or later?</I> <i> Take your time.</I> <i> All right, have a nice day.</I> <i> Bye-bye.</I> The ol' slap with
a rubber chicken offer. Now or later, though. We get those all the time, but not with
the now-or-later option.
Is neither
one of us an option? Neither one of us. I'm looking around
to make sure somebody doesn't have
a rubber chicken. - Oh, no.
- Good. They don't.
- That would've required--
- We disallowed those. Remember when we got our old
studio decorated for a shoot, and then that really became
a decoration for the studio? And there was a rubber
chicken on the shelf, and I was like-- No, it was on the fridge. It was on the fridge handle. And we didn't want it because rubber chickens
are too clich comedy.
But then, not too long ago,
we played a game, and you insisted on us using
rubber chickens as the buzzer. But we didn't do it, did we? - We did.
- Oh. - I regretted it instantly.
- Gosh. Yeah, I had a lapse
in judgment.
That's why you're here.
What happened? So what we have is we have
six different rounds here. We're gonna move
through this pretty quickly. We have mixed--
well, we didn't mix-- the Mythical crew has mixed two actual Jell-O pudding
brand puddings together. Oh.
Oh! Oh, now you understand
how this game works? They told me and I was like, "This is gonna be easy.
Just guessing Jell-O flavors?" - No.
- They mixed two! And they have all these
different flavor flags
over here. Flavorflag.Com-- don't go there.
I don't know what it is. It's just, whenever I say
two words like that together, I feel like
it should be a website. Flavorflag.Net-- go there.
And you assume
it's a bad website. Naughty. And we're gonna try to guess what two flavors
have been combined. Now, I--
I'm a pudding lover.
- If you lose this--
- Look. But listen. You're such a pudding man.
You're a pudding master. - The only pudding--
- Don't let me beat you, man.
Thank you. Thank you,
but the only pudding that I eat is
chocolate, vanilla, and if I run across
some peanut butter. I know one
of the flavors already. Mmm.
I know this
right off the bat. Yeah, well, one of them.
What's the other one? Hold on. Definitely--
I'm not showing mine to you. That's one of them.
This is definitely
one of them. - Um, man.
- And... - Um...
- Um... I don't know, man.
And I know--
this is the other one. Right. Don't-- don't look
at my answers now. Okay, that's what I got.
Oh, we got the same answers.
- Oh, we have the same--
- Butterscotch
and coconut cream. - Are we right?
Oh, they don't tell us.
- We don't know. Okay, so now
we'll move that over. - We bring in the next one.
- Bring in the next one.
Don't look at our monitor
over there to cheat. I didn't. I don't cheat, Link.
I'm not a cheater. You don't admit to cheating.
Is this cream? Mm. Mm! It's interesting. Eating pudding is fun. It's a lifestyle.
Is that your suggested slogan? - Eating pudding is fun.
- Jell-O pudding-- Both:
It's a lifestyle. - I don't think that would work.
- It gets better the more I eat. Well, I know one. I know one, too.
The one that I know
right off the bat
is that one. This is tough, man, but... This one is tough. I don't know.
They could be-- I'm gonna guess that
it's this based on color.
So I said vanilla pistachio. I said pistachio and tapioca. - Ooh, "tapi-yoke."
- I scared you, didn't I? - You may be right.
- I think vanilla's in there. I think you're right.
This one's pink. ( Imitating Church Lady )
Isn't this one special? - Fruity.
- Did you know there were so
many flavors of pudding? - No.
- What are they doing
over there at Jell-O? They got somebody
just coming up with
different flavors. Who would have thought? So that's pretty clear,
but... Oh, oh.
Oh, this is tough.
- This is difficult.
- This is tough because it-- The second component
is pretty difficult here. So I'm either down to this... - The initial one
is really obvious.
- Or this. I'm trying to figure out
between these two.
Mythical Beasts,
send me your answer. Which one is it? - Um.
- I don't know. I'm at a little bit of a loss,
but I'm going with that. - All right--
- Cheesecake and strawberry? I went with strawberry
and banana cream.
I almost did that, but I don't like banana
that much, so-- - I thought that you would--
- I coulda-- I can hone in on
the thing I don't like. You've got great banana radar. Right. "Banay-dar,"
they call it.
Max Banadar. You just spouted off
a random guy that
we used to work with-- his name. - Okay.
- That was a shout out. - Okay, there's
an obvious component.
- Ooh, that's good.
- Link: Very good.
- Rhett: Mmm, man. I'm just glad
none of these flags say
"coyote piss" on them. 'Cause halfway
through this game, you better believe I looked. Yeah, it's funny.
I always eat things
on this show with just a sense of-- - Trepidation.
- ...Trepidation.
There's no trepidation now.
I've let my guard down. But what is
the other flavor there? I got it.
All right, you ready? I went with vanilla and Oreo. - Oreo...
- I think you're right. - ...And tapioca.
- Tapioca.
I-- - Ooh.
- There's no switchies
in this one. I think you might be
the pudding master, Link. Ooh, what's this, curry? Little... It's probably not curry.
Ugh. This one tastes
like cleaner. Like, literally, like... I don't feel like
I need more than one.
Like sop this
on your toilet. - Link: Ugh.
- Yeah. Yeah, pumpkin spice
and lemon. Same for me.
- That's gross.
- Okay, and finally, What's this one gonna be? Move this here. Oh. Ooh, ooh! That is a nice experience
right there. And I'm gonna--
I'm gonna highly recommend
that, guys.
You think
you know what it is? Um, you said chocolate? I know you were thinking
this is a good combo. I think that the chocolate-- I don't think
chocolate's in there. I think you're getting
red velvet taste as chocolate. So what did you say it was? I mean, cheesecake,
'cause that's all-- I have chocolate
and caramel left.
I don't think
it's either one of those. All right, that's our guesses.
Tell us what we did. <I> Okay, pudding number one
is chocolate--</i> <i> Oh, sorry. That's wrong.</I> "Sorry, that's wrong." Did you say "sarong"? <I> Um, it starts with a "C".</I> <i> Coconut cream
and butterscotch.</I> - Yes!
- Yep.
<I> So you both got that correct.</I> Oh, we both got it right. <I> Pudding number two is
banana cream and pistachio.</I> Ooh, you were right, huh? <I> No, you both
thought pistachio.</I> I said tapioca and pistachio. So we both get
one point for that. - There's banana in this?
-<I> Yes.</I> I taste it now.
It's so obvious.
<I> So pudding number three
is strawberry and vanilla.</I> Strawberry and vanilla. And you said strawberry
and cheesecake. I knew it was subtle.
Didn't get that one. - You didn't either, right?
- Nope.
<I> Pudding number four
is Oreo cookies 'n creme</i> <i> and tapioca.</I> - I got that one.
- You got another one right. Okay, so Link
just went up a point. - Right?
-<I> Correct.</I> - Yes.
- Okay. All right.
Pumpkin spice and lemon
we agreed on. Are we right? <I> Yep, you are right
on that one.</I> Ooh, so it comes down
to the very end, Link. No, I'm ahead by one. You were down by one,
right, yeah, but-- - No, I'm ahead by one.
- I mean, you're up by one.
You can't even use
language of me winning. - Yeah--
- It doesn't exist
in your mind. I haven't said it
in so long, my brain won't
let my mouth say it. Is it chocolate
and red velvet? <I> It's red velvet
and cheesecake.</I> Which is what I said!
We tied! Dang it! Man, I wanted you to win.
I did.
I wanted you to take all
the puddings and celebrate. I think the best combination
we found-- This was-- I don't know-- No, that had banana.
I didn't like it. It was this red velvet and
whatever you said it was. Cheesecake.
That's a good one.
This red velvet cheesecake, that's what you should order
at a Cheesecake Factory..
Guess The Jello Pudding Combo Game
Monday, March 31, 2014
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