Angry Asian Restaurant Soda Prank (Stop Motion Animation) - Ownage Pranks

Angry Asian Restaurant Soda Prank (Stop Motion Animation) - Ownage Pranks

Chinese restaurant Raymond speaking May I help you, Good evening Yeah can I make the order today for the for pick up please? Certainly! Go ahead please Okay, can I have  uhh, one order of the orange chicken? Okay? Can I have uhh one order of the Boosack noodle? Okay? How many are you going share?   On the noodle? Do people usually share the boosack? I thought   you know one, Yeah, One person per boosack right? Right, So just one order is enough? Yeah, I think I think, Lets do two. Okay, Two order of the noodle okay? Okay- And then one order of orange chicken, Anything else? Do you have a Poo Poo Platter? Poo Poo platter no. We don't. What about the um titty lo mein? Chicken lo mein? Yes we do! Okay.

Let me get the uh one titty ro mein please. Chicken Lo Mein. Okay? Hmmm I'll try to think what I want.. What do you want? Do you want something from here? Hello? Your phone is breaking up .

I can't hear you Hello? I'm sorry I'm talking to my family. Do you want something? I don't know Like a some body. That is too much money.   I can't buy all this stuff you know? I have to work very hard.

Hello? Hi. Do you have a big coke to drink? No. We don't. Do you have- We only have serve can soda.

Oh so you have the small coke right? Yeah, in the can K, How much money? Two dollars. What?! Wait for one can?! Two dollars for one can, yeah Two dollars, What the hell?! That is too much money, man! I want the soda but not for the two dollar for only fifty cents. That's all we have, That's what we offer, ma'am. Okay look give me the soda for fifty cents.

No, we can't. You can do it I believe in you okay. No, No, No, We cannot. You- I'm sorry, maybe you should call someone else.

No I don't call someone else, I call and talk to you right now I want to get the food today. Ma'am, Ma'am, Ma'am I'm sorry I'm really busy right now okay? So- Listen mother asshole. Don't be the cheap ass okay? Hello? What the hell I want my Boosack Noodle. Hello, Chinese Restaurant May I help you? I'm calling right now somebody I talk to he hung up on me.

Hmmmmmm One minute, Okay. Hurry up. (Inaudible) Hello? Can I talk the mother asshole that hung up on me? Uhh I think he just stepped out. You want - Hey I'm not a asshole okay?! You want to come down and talk to me you are playing games with me okay?! What the hell man?! I'm going to call a cop right now that will be waiting for you.

Here Mother fucking guy- You get your ass down here I'll talk to you. Hey mother ass- You come down here. Hey, Hey Take a chill pill okay? I'm talking to you right now. You fucking dumb shit you asshole.

Mother fucking guy what the hell did you say to me?! Oh shit. I'll come to you right now and we'll do this you know? One on One. Hello? Hello, Hello?!?! Hello?! Yeah you mother fucker?! Mother fucking guy why the hell did you hang up on me?! The hello?! (Inaudible) What the hell?.

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