(Teaser) IIIIIIt's FTTV. What's up FTteevers! I'm here with little man Chase! Chase, say what's up to these peeps. What's up! What's up, peeps! Now we had a subscriber say can you guys play Restaurant 2! So here we are! Dr. Panda's Restaurant 2.
Can I do it? I want pizza. Pizza? We can make- We can make some pizza, dude. Let's do it up! Dude, is that- is that Chuck-E-Cheese? Chuck-E-Cheese got some pizza. Oh, that must be Dr.
Panda. Oh, he's got friends. Yeah. Harry the Hippo, Penalope the Polar Bear, and Cat ptain Raccoon the rambunctious....
Raccoon. I got nothin Ok! So let's go ahead and- ooh, you just, you just like, boom, get to the restaurant, like you commanded them, and they listened. Alright so, oh.. She wants a salad...
And he wants pasta. So, which one are you going to do first? ...Pasta? Ok you gotta click the pasta dish. Oh, what happened to his eyes? Oh Ok, he was like A-hur-hur You do it! You want me? Alright, you're gonna help me though right? No, you pick the pasta. Which one are we gonna make? Oh, pasta panda.
That's like- You know, that's my favorite, though- the elmo macoronies they look like that? The little ela- *Chews They're shaped like a- Yeah. Ok- ooh, that's hot. I don't think it's ready. Oh, stir it- Can you stir it? Oh, you gotta stir it.
Ooh- oh, are your finger- *blows Is that hot? Dude, oh- *blows Ho- Ho- Dude! Don't go in the boiling water! *More blowing Ok, is that good? Alright, Pasta's done. So we press off and press the check button... Eww you said chick but... Ton.
Ooh, you gotta pour it. How do you pour it- oh. Your finger ok? That's hot, dude! Kids, make sure you have your parents permission before playing with this app- Oh, look it even had the moisture on the bott- Hey, hey we- Aww, i thought we were gonna play hotdog butt. Remember that game? No, he dosen't like that.
Aww yeah! He likes that. Eat it! Eat it Harry! How about this- Harry! Harry the Hippo dosen't like... He only likes egg plant. Oh wait, you can do thi- Ohhhh.
Let's take one out! Oh you- Oh you Oh you like that too Harry! You like this one? Well Harry, you can't get four things. Harry- Harry, you want this? No, no, you've had enough Harry. Ok an egg plant, an egg, and a lemon. Don't you think that's enough food? I think so.
Ahh monkey! So... Uhh... Put it. My allergies....
Still actin' up my allergies... Alright, so... You- ooh, ooh, don't crack it. Wait can we put some of this in? No? Ooh, man, is that egg done? Try to crack it.
Throw it hard. Oh, it dosen't work? What if we tap it? Oh- eww the egg's sticking out of the water. Alright, I think that's pry good, right? Check mark x2. So it's on the plate...
So now what do we do? Maybe I can tap him. Oh, I made him dizzy. He was like- UHhoroughh. I made him sick.
You did make him sick? Well, that's just messed up. Alright so... I guess- Seriously, bro? Lemon... In...
The pasta? Ugh. Mix it, Chase! This is a weird pasta dish. Maybe there's chicken on it and it can be like lemon-chicken... Put the egg in there.
There we go. And the egg plant. It's weird cause... That's an egg...
And that's an egg plant. And they don't even look-they don't even look related. Alright, tomatoes! Oh- ooh, salt, oh, he's gonna get Hot Cholestorol. (IDK how to spell!) Ooh, Le Choy? No no! Wha- He don't like that? No.
Do tomato. A tomato in L- Whaaa? Ugh... It dosen't work? Don't put- you're gonna put lemon on the lemon? How about pepper? No! Yeah! Oh- Kasunteit! The bear's got a sneezin' issue! What's this, like, mustard flakes? Mustard flakes! Alright, are we done? You think he's gonna like it? Yeah. Oh, he says thumbs up, but it's not up to you, chef.
Every chef likes their own food. It's up to Harry! Come on, Harry! No birdie, get out of here! It lets see if I between the polar bear
Jen well we didn't clean his plate engineering want me to do it alright man
I'm gonna try say hi to the lettuce is saying hi to us I let it dude you're killing the lettuce it was just way too high to us all right
and now what she was a salad okay i'm gonna make a
good tell you right now you can put eggplant and Karen's yeah you better
like carrots I let what else goes really good in a
salad yeah but dead fish with with red with the Red Cross eyeball she doesn't like pineapples bro she
likes might cry smell it is she got a nice hat right
she's no she doesn't want it what else let's pick one more ingredient
that know this girl's even the cell we got to get her some more some more
healthy ingredients like that what else is in here and that's it that's good ok man you gotta chop up the
mushrooms and the fish you chop the fish gonna help you going to cook it or put
it put the fish in there whoa you slice that fish nice and even
see with the knife skill no you're boiling fish in advance to
school ok ok ok who is gonna leave a mark man all right let me do it we gonna do a
fast like this huh cool fish is that the face is stereo and
put on is that all right oh you can chop it let's do a fish
greater that's great it they'll fish sticks we make fish sticks well that's weird let's put it back we can chop fish
sticks well that's hey that's pretty cool i don't know we could use that back
there want to chop the mushroom use a knife tapping careful careful oh well - mom in a band-aid you okay cut did you got a couple of a nice and that
man can show you how I cut all right let's try to put the mushroom back there
and watch me watching you see that bro that's some skills right
there Janet I already put it all in the salad whoo-hoo mushrooms fish sticks oh wait wait did you see that are there
we could have put something in the oven we should have bake the fish Oh peppers ah but doing yeah it's going
so spice gave me count between us from baby blue and that smells like baby
looney tunes like you got a diaper and mix the salad there we go you want to put some olive
oil on it oh no I got it on the table ok put some
more and he's a lot drench it yeah there you go always help
don't use no canola oil or vegetable oil you got to use olive oil evo oh oh uh
take Mike check mark dude he needed some pepper what she's
gonna be mad at us come on petunia come on come on petunia he went two for tonight what but
soon yeah Healing healing else needs to fire he's laughing like I got you petunia so
got you yeah yeah yeah most of the dirty dishes
in there became even like peppers well that's why it's too spicy put the
plate in there why is like happy land yeah i like dirty dishes yeah Buddha I'm rich mr. Panda on the one you
just watched me as I did everything and he gets the money how does mr. A does that work I chop up the onion Judy the mushrooms
you're picking your nose I'm taking my nose mr.Panda does nothing
but he gets the money from roche outraged that's what I right now oh snap it's
nighttime in the back what if it was right before so petunia ate enough she's on a diet you
got the salad you just eating little portions but these low districts like
Audrey Parker but for more for elephant dude your feet first is Harry the hippo
he just say are not be back for a salad us soon no its best sushi I like making sushi I'm just glad I never made this guy
wanted up ft TV movie ok gotta put down seaweed paper put the
rice on top your way yeah that's Weiss right it is two wice
WIC II gotta roll it whoo whoo it's alive the rice is alive oh what's that zucchini no no he don't like it he said no you got to put that little
cheese doodle right there I do you don't like that who I would ya oh he likes to get a quick question yeah
I'm gonna get you guys a kitty yes Oh Fitz shrimp trip no no no okay tomato tomato yeah you mean yeah yeah oh
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you know this no oh cheese doodles no
here late cheese doodles yeah yeah is that good yeah should we like a range it better we
can't have it's too late oh sorry sorry sir that's good well dude yeah roll it ready to roll it what a
nice ring tone I see sushi Ingo future I see that it's
like IC s ii a where she comes from right now just say if I'm right I am
right you're wrong sushi is a government see the fish from
the sushi comes from see what's the matter with java some sushi enthusiasts
lousiest job oh I got one let's cut it so tiny where
r do that's a huge slices sushi got to put on the bento box whoa oh wow whoa amazingly oh man they're like hopping
over each other look at that guy he's got energy that sue she's got energy
that one are you taking the bread or that's cute
that's cute come on come on Lou sushi here you go
one big happy family oh definitely let joy well you know that
soy sauce that's for sushi I don't know what that
is what is that ok put soy sauce I'm telling you bro who god bless you ok that's why good that's pretty good haha , your pepper and sushi - don't put
more vinegar please don't put my finger on the sochi okay good boy check mark right like yeah let's see
let's see let's see that bird is happening come on come on come on get to
it you're one at a time you like it but she
likes it I was at a heat what we're going to call
him is that he thinks see he Bernie the elephant that's your name they'll get the chicken but look at the
chickens but is that chicken butt Oh little chicken butt but what there you go already me and chase made
that are you gonna head are you chewing I just see inhaling and spitting I think
he likes season yes yes Mikey don't like that he sneezed from a
zucchini Bobby he lucky onions and zucchini i
think that the one with zucchini I don't know what the one that was on the right I want to make his salad we gotta clean
up his dirty dish let's put the chicken oh I can click the chicken what else is
interactive anything now okay want to make a salad who's gonna make it assigned you and me
will you walk right boom ok man put yeah whoa your belly is like like humongous I
think you ate too much sushi all Member taste of what is because sushi Scrushy yes good he scares you what come on areas
like three hours later and you still like tomatoes the students picky your
taste buds change every seven hours everybody knows that was it seven years
seven hours makes a lot more shades we shall not do we're gonna make the
best salad ever want to trick I'm gonna throw it in the oven we haven't we
haven't done anything in the oven yet i'm like oh I'm careful about not
picking my nose allergies you know runny I don't want to be like who looked a
little hood good because if you ever see me in public and like home ok so you guys to distract me and she's
got her pinky chase sorry the teachers were distracting me
okay bleep okay okay don't touch us to let me talk to them it was your fault it
was my fault i was being a bad parent and now watching myself ok put your fingers in the hot water
said there you go there are many ways to shut me out in public and my promotion
but don't shake that - 10 I someones picking nose on this YouTube
video hmm all right now whoo that's a carrot like do you cooking all laughs knows are
you like oh that's good pizza haha but you can put the eggplant on that
means that that's like the dark evil Olaf's knows it's done yes get it yes we got to put an egg in the pot I can
pop look oh that's eggplant I guess technically
you did it right ok oh he's in our kitchen the bride is in our kitchen ok let's go
to shake it around it's going to boil ok it's boiling we're
done and I know you're gonna have a little bit runny yolk up in there man
I'm sorry let's chat that type of it yeah oh dude
that's a fruit ninja great planes have seeds because if so
they're fruit even though they don't taste like a fruit I don't know if there's a little deaf
seeds eggplant yeah a glass of fruit a carrot is a veggie - good idea shredded
carrots there you go there you go there you go there you go boy that's what I'm talking about shredding
and carrots thank you stop it stop it I'm gonna let you do the talking okay
you talked to this k tel aviv errs gallery an egg challenge yeah ok tell them how
you're gonna make this an okay hat and don't talk too much now mmm but there's yeah that person was
nothing like it pepper to the peppers type and the same
mhm you you just made the most healthiest
salad unhealthy good job on that large eggplant that's not melt dude milk as some people
would say most people don't know it's called al out how one all right salt let's go let's see he's
not gonna like it the peppers yeah yeah let's see you know because he
said do your starting to stink like Michael stinks look he's like I can't reach his feet to
be there you go huh same you messed it up dude he's caring he's in a fire element will
you just parked a mushroom ghost that's when you put it in here let's get
our moneys get those monies yes yes you know what can we do with this money
can we do anything dr.
Panda dr. Payment needs upgrading right here
gay to chase flick him in the boat in the boat quicker bye bye bye bye but yeah one another one
now that's not play again it can be upgraded as restaurant no we can't what do we do with the money
is just for pretend dr. Panda what about the button that
goes like hey you know I want to play you killed my battery playing trending
today you did do i tell you can play that game of my ipad it's a battery hard how much I want to pull pinch your skin
on your neck kind of our meeting no hitting daddy that's nice okay you
ready that's it alright guys so that was us
playing doctor what you call dr. Pila pinda thank you
is not doctors pandas rest or red no less than y ou R east around I got to see you later peace out Billy
pop you spin over these of it he's still there is either is it ok now
you how did not see it happening not feeling how do you not smell it whatever thank you for reading my letter it watch
it but your little punk ill by chuck e cheese.
Chase plays Dr. Panda's Restaurant 2!!Cooking Food for Picky Dudes w FGTEEV DuddyKIDS iOS APP
Monday, April 30, 2018
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