(French accordion music)  - (Finebros) Today,
you're gonna be eating this. - What is it? - Uh, first glance, it looks like brownies. Second glance, probably
not gonna be brownies. - It might be a type of falafel.

- It looks like mini-sliced falafels. They don't look like they're American food. - (Sniffs) I don't know.
It sort of smells good to me. It smells like In-N-Out Animal Fries.

- This looks like little sausage stuff. - It smells actually really good. - It looks like chocolate chip sausage. I don't know if that would be good,
but I guess people will eat that.

- (Finebros) And now you get to eat it. Go ahead and take a bite.
- Oh great. - This is just how it works
at the dinner table. We just, like, move it.
Just push it away.

- Blech. - Please taste good. (Chewing) (smacks lips) Mmm! It tastes like a potato pancake. (Fork clatters) - It only tasted a little disgusting.

(Chewing) - Mmm! Not bad, actually. - Okay. (Bracing breath) (whispering) In... Okay.

(Gasps) This stuff was actually
really good, surprisingly. - It tastes like meatloaf. (Fork scrapes plate) - Mmm! It tastes really good. - This is not chocolate chip.

(Smacking lips) This is so good. - It does NOT taste like falafel,
so that idea part of the video is gone. - I like it. I'm guessing, whatever it is,
it's gonna change our mind.

- If you tell me this is something
really disgusting, I swear to God. - (Finebros) You just tried blood pudding. - The name is a little scary. I hope there's no real blood in it.

- Why is called that?
It doesn't even look like pudding. - This has nothing to do with pudding! - Blood pudding tastes good.
But BLOOD pudding? - (Finebros) Blood pudding
is a type of sausage made from pork, blood, and different spices. - I feel like I'm a vampire. - I don't know about that! But it's good.

- (Finebros) It's part
of a traditional breakfast in Ireland and the United Kingdom. - I can't see it as a breakfast.
I could see it as dinner. - I can't really imagine
waking up and eating this. It's not right, you know? - (Finebros) Finally, do you recommend
that people try blood pudding? - No, because it tastes
really, really, really bad.

- I would say yes. - You know what?
Don't try this. - Yes, because it's really good. - I definitely think
that you should try this.

- Definitely! It just tastes so good, and I don't like people that are prejudiced
against food and don't try it. - I do NOT recommend it at all. - Yes, I do. Some kids, they just eat
chicken tenders, fries.

You need to try some other stuff, like this delicious
mouth-watering masterpiece. - Thanks for watching us eat
blood pudding on the React channel. - What food should we eat next?
Leave it in the comments. - Don't forget to subscribe! We have tons of new shows
for you every week.

- Goodbye. See you next time.  (French accordion music) .

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