Lemongrass Hibiscus Tea Recipe with Orange PeelVegan Recipe

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Lemongrass Hibiscus Tea Recipe with Orange PeelVegan Recipe

Hello folks, A homemade brew that I tend to have quite
often is this hibiscus tea to which I add lemongrass and orange peel. This tea is not
only very delicious but its also full of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that will
give the immune system a boost. With all season changes, so comes the cold
and flu season where catching the common cold becomes very likely.
If youve been feeling a little under the weather with the season change, this natural
remedy might come in handy. Lemongrass has long been used in Mauritius
as a homemade remedy for coughs and colds.

My mum used to grow it in the back garden.
It grows so easily in hot temperatures like a wild plant. In Canada, I buy lemongrass
at my local Asian store, Ive often seen them in regular stores too.
Cut the lemongrass stalks into pieces of about 5 cm or 2 inches in length. Then split each
piece in half along the length. This will expose the inside so that all the goodness
can be extracted.

Place about one cup of water and the lemongrass
in a saucepan and bring to a boil. When the water reaches boiling point, let it boil for
another minute. Not only does lemongrass have the most amazing
fragrance but it is also a powerhouse of healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals that provide
relief from respiratory problems, fever, aches and various infections. It also helps to maintain
healthy skin and the immune system.

When ingested as a tea, orange peel is an
effective lung cleanser and actively breaks down and eliminate congestion.
When peeling the orange, try not to catch the pith (the spongy white part)
as it is quite bitter. Having said that, if you can tolerate the bitterness, the pith has
as much vitamin C as the whole orange. Remove the lemongrass infusion from the heat.
Then add in the orange peels and the hibiscus flowers.

I am using dried hibiscus flowers but you
can also use fresh ones if they are readily available to you. If using fresh flowers,
discard the stem and the pistil and use only the petals. Then steep them in the same way
until all the colour is leached from the petals. Let the tea steep for 5 to 8 minutes.

Hibiscus is full of antioxidants, rich in
Vitamin C and is especially good to relieve high blood pressure, high cholesterol as well
as assists the digestive and immune system. Its calming soothing effect also helps
in treating anxiety. Strain the tea and pour into a cup. I like
to add some grade B maple syrup for the added minerals like magnesium and zinc that also
supports the immune system.

But you can sweeten this tea to your taste with any other sweetener
of choice. You can also serve this infusion chilled as
an iced tea and replace regular sodas or other sugary drinks. I've found that when refrigerated,
you don't actually need a lot of sweetener as the cold masks the tanginess of the hibiscus. So, give your immune system a boost and stimulate
your energy levels with a cup of this lemongrass hibiscus tea.

In fact you can enjoy this brew
all year round and at any time of the day. Just a word of caution if you
are pregnant or lactating, consult your doctor
before consuming hibiscus. If youve enjoyed this recipe, dont forget
to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you havent already. You can also find this
recipe on our website along with some extra information on the benefits of this tea.

next time, stay healthy..

Jamies Christmas Nut Roast with a Spicy Sauce

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Jamies Christmas Nut Roast with a Spicy Sauce

What up Food Tubers I hope you're well, today is a great day because we are making a nut roast. And for me, the nut roast is about; a beautiful dinner, a beautiful meal, textures, contrasts   sweetness, savouriness, it's a wonderful opportunity to love your veg. We're using some interesting things like quinoa, nuts, chestnuts, spices, dried fruit And I'm going to put it together with a sauce and some melted cheese and lovely herbs and you're going to love it. Ok so first job, pre heat your oven to 180 degrees celsius 350 fahrenheit.

Next, let's chop up the squash I wanna just dice up the squash into roughly 1cm chunks I want to add a couple of tablespoons of oil, let's get the squash straight in We're not going to completely cook stuff in the pan, we're just going to take the rawness out and start sharing some flavours. I'm using vac pac chestnuts here, you can get them in all the supermarkets And if you put them in whole and bring them back to life by roasting them with things like rosemary, they're absolutely delicious. I want one onion, let's just finely chop that. Two cloves of garlic Celery We definitely want to start the process
of seasoning with sea salt and pepper About half a tea spoon of cayenne, a little pinch of smoked paprika.

I want one
level teaspoon of dried Oregona. So I'm just going to quite crudely cut up a lovely couple of field mushrooms About 40 grams of butter. Next, just a little bit of lemon zest, gives a
really nice contrast. Our veg here is off the heat now.

Over here we've got 100 grams of mixed nuts; brazils, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashew nuts. Next job I need to bash my nuts, which is a lovely opportunity for you to get  all the frustration in your life out, but with good reason and purpose. (Bashes nuts) Ah, nice bashed up nuts. I'm going to put this into the bowl.

Next, in with the quinoa and the dried fruit, four lovely large free-range eggs. Obviously, the eggs are going to really help to bind the dish, we're going to go straight in like that, all the juices and we'll mix it up. I've rubbed this dish with butter and I've just lined it with some greaseproof paper, just to make it double safe that it pops out nice and easy. So I'm just going to pour this in with the nut roast, like this, squeeze as much as you can into there.

So now I'm going to whack this in the oven for 45 - 50 minutes, I'm going to cook that until it goes golden and crisp and gorgeous, then next I'm going to show you how to make a brilliant sauce that I'm going to sit that on. So it's kind of cooking into each other with some melted cheese, herbs  and this sauce is called salsa rossa picante, it's gorgeous. So, I'm going to put a little olive oil into the tray, I'm going to get two chilis I'm going to prick it, if you don't prick it they'll explode, in your face and I just want to put the chili's in whole. I'm also going to go in with a stick of cinnamon, some garlic just two cloves.

I'm just going to get a small onion here, cut it into quarters and then into eighths. I'm going to go for this next part of the recipe with some Thyme and just take the lovely little leaves off the stalk. I'm going to put this on top of the nut roast. Just move that Thyme around so it's coated in the fat and then it's going to crispen up and go gorgeous, I'm going to put it to one side out of the heat.

Let's go in with my tomatoes. What we can also do is just add a little bit of balsamic vinegar, one tablespoon. And I'll turn the heat down to really low, simmer it for 10, 15, 20 minutes to really develop the flavours and then I'll show you what to do with
the nut roast next. It's going to be gorgeous.

Look at that, tip it onto its side like so, we can take that greaseproof paper off, place this into this amazing sauce and I'm just going to grate some nice bits of cheddar and that's going to give it amazing flavour, it will obviously melt and go gorgeous. We can then put our chili on the top, put the cinnamon on the top as well. I've got those thyme tips remember, put that over the whole tray. Pop it back in the oven now for about 10 minutes.

Ok, let's have a little look at that I've purposefully let the grated cheese go over the edges and let the tomato sauce cook up the sides. I'm going to get myself a nice plate, some mashed potato, let's get some lovely seasonal Kale. Look at that, gorgeous Proper comfort food, get that lovely thick sauce and just put it over one side of the nut loaf, over the kale with a little season of olive oil, an absolute dream. There you go, it is delicious and I'm going to try it..

Of course you've got the crispy bits here, the soft bits there, all those lovely veggies, let's get right in there with the salsa rossa picante. Mmm absolutely delicious guys so until
next time, happy cooking!.

Irish Stew with Root VegThe Happy Pear

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Irish Stew with Root VegThe Happy Pear

Hi there. I'm Stephen and I'm David, and where the
happy pear. We're from Greystones County Wicklow
Ireland, and today we're gonna cook for you an Irish Root Veg stew with a kale, Kokan and mash. Okay, so first thing I'm gonna do is that I'm gonna get my potatoes on the
boil so I'm just using simple.

These are quite waxy potatoes they're called. And you know why we didn't peal them? The main reason why we didn't get it because most amount of nutrients in spuds are in the skin. So now the potatoes for our Kokan are cooking, it's time to start our stew. So I'm just going to add two tablespoons of oil into the pan.

So I'm going to start with the red onion. So why are you using red onion Dave? Well Steve, I'm using red onions just because I like the colour. So use whatever kind of onions you want. So now I'm just going to chop four cloves of garlic to get that really base flavour going on.

So now we're going to pop in our carrots and parsnips. I'm gonna I'm going to slice them up really nice and fine. The carrots are the longest thing to cook in this dish. Next up we're gonna hack up the parsnip again, I didn't peel it.

Most amount of nutrients are in the skin. Beautiful. So now I'm just going to add a teaspoon of salt. Got a couple of bay leaves.

In they go, and then we're going to add thyme in. Thyme. Irish stews are generally quite herby, so get your thyme and we're just gonna take
the leaves off the stem of it now. So now, get your leek.

Again, same in England and Ireland - most people just use the white of the leek,  whereas in Spain they typically use the
green of the leek. We're going to use all of the leek. All of the leek. Again, hack the backs off, give it a really good clean, because leeks can be quite manky.

And again, I normally split her down the middle like that. Flap her out. And then I kinda like some chunks in my leek. Here, we go in goes, ze leek.

Now in goes the rest of the green of the leek. Woaah. OK, so in our version of this veggie stew, we're using white wine to just give
the sauce a bit more depth of flavour. Just get some sweetness in.

Just really kinda get those root vegetables sweetness of them coming out. Oh, that's a lovely sound. So I put
in about a hundred millilitres of white wine and again that's just to really kinda lift
those bases root veg to get that sweetness coming out. Really accentuate and get a more syrupness to the sauce.

Okay, so now we're just gonna get our
stock on. Gonna get our stuff together So I'm just using a traditional veggie stock You know in an ideal world you'd make
your own veggie stock, and you'd have 12 hours sleep. But this, this is a 30-minute dish, so we're going to knock it out quickly. It's like a litre of veggie stock that I
just added in.

So now we're going to add our lentils. We've rinsed them and drained them already, so in they go to the party. Welcome to the party lads. So the last thing I've got to do is add three tablespoons of tomari.

It kinda works instead of Worchester sauce or something like this in stews, Okay, so now we're going to turn it up high, and bring it to the boil and then leave it to simmer for fifteen minutes. Just so the carrots and the parsnips are properly cooked. And that's it, it's really simple. Okay so when the lentil stew is cooking I'm just going to finish our Kokan and mash.

So our potatoes at this stage are well and truly boiled. I'm just going to knock them off the heat. And I'm gonna drain them and rinse them. Hello boiled potatoes.

So Kokan, very traditional typical Irish dish. It's pretty much boiled potatoes, mashed spud and the
powerful like kale. The tremendous beast that is kale. So in goes our 150ml  of milk milk.

I just got oat milk. Use whatever kind of milk. So our kale. I've just got a good handful of kale.

Take the kale off the stem and then we're just going to chop it up nice and fine. Looks like loads, but wait till you see it'll disappear with the heat of the spud. So not cooking it either. So now we've got scallions.

We've just got a whole bunch of scallions. And once again, like the leek we're just going to use the whole length of the scallion. In goes the scallion And now we're just going to mix the whole thing up. Okay, so now we're going to season it with a bit of salt and black pepper to whatever your taste is, I'm putting in a base.

Half a teaspoon or so, and the black pepper you know just at a good pinch. The black pepper's just going to add a little bit back of the throat heat. So now we're going to season the stew, and we're gonna chive it up, add a bit of chive, a bit of garnish, and play it up and ready to go. So most important thing with
seasoning dishes just get down and taste and people say I don't know how to season, but it's like right, it tastes really nice.

Kind of nice well-developed saltiness, but it does need a little bit of black pepper I think for my palette, so I'm just going to add a little pinch of  black pepper. But with seasoning your dish, it's just to kind of get familiar with if it doesn't gonna take trying to get
that balance make the dish taste a bit more balanced. About a little
black pepper. We're gonna garnish with chives.

Because, traditionally an Irish stew would be parsley. A curly parsley. If you like parsley - whack it in. If you don't like curly, use flat parsley.

If you don't like that we're using chive. Again, just because it goes well with the leeks. Irish stew with Kokan mash took
about 30 minutes to make, super healthy, high in fibre, low in fat, low in calories. Great for filling you up.

Like a belly hug. Okay so here's our Irish veggie stew. Really tasty, super fantastic,  for more Food Tube videos just click over
here, and to watch more of our videos just click over here. Lets give her a taste.

Mm, genius Total belly hug. Really, really comforting. Great one to have on a cold rainy  night. It tastes like being under a duvet, and you can hear the rain and the wind

That kind of feeling. Thanks a million for watching this video
we've got loads more healthy tasty recipes over on our channel right now. Just like this epic Nutella recipe. It
has only four main ingredients and it sugar, dairy and gluten free.

We've got an amazing healthy emerald
green smoothie to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day over on Drinks Tube. Click on the link
below to check it out..

If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35

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If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35

That salad's totally grossing me out. I've completely lost my appetite. [Gong] How long have you been a meat eater for? I only eat meat. I'm going to the Meatstock Flesh Festival.

Are you goin'? Yeah, I want the tofu spring rolls, except I don't eat tofu, so do you have like a tofu-flavored chicken you can substitute in for me? It's not that vegetable eaters are bad people, it's just that they're... Terrible people. This sausage is a meat-based vegetable substitute for cucumber. It's got the taste and the texture of an actual cucumber, with none of the cucumber.

Eating plants makes your body WAY too alkaline, which will definitely kill you. Do you really want that? All you need is some meat to be healthy and thrive. You get everything you need from meat. Beef is loaded with carbs! Orcas are even more spiritually evolved than humans, and THEY only eat seal meat, so that means humans should only eat meat, because it's the most spiritually evolved diet, because of orcas.

Plants give off oxygen. Why would you eat them? Do you even know how dangerous deer are when you're driving your car? If you don't kill and eat deer first, you basically want people to get into car accidents. The world's a much safer place if we eat the animals that could eat us. Broccoli? That's what my food eats.

That's my food's food, and I don't appreciate you eating that. You should eat Siberian tigers to help them go extinct. It makes it so that they can live on through you and your children for generations to come. The best chance for the survival of their species is for us to kill and eat them.

That coconut was gonna grow into a palm tree. Why would you eat that? I could never eat plants that are raised in crowded farms in inhumane living conditions with less than one square inch of space per stalk, stuck in the soil against their will. Have you ever thought about going meat-eater to help save the planet, or do you just not care about the earth? Have you seen that Kalespiracy documentary? You've gotta see it. It's so heartbreaking seeing how all the plants are killed and the deforestation from the plant farming and unsustainable farming practices.

Kale farming is the number one destroyer of the environment. Once you see it, you'll never eat plants again. As he redundantly repeated his emotionally charged nutritional opinions at me, I was instantly convinced to become a meat eater. JP was the most illogical, condescending person I've ever met.

Saying something like that's just a symptom of being overly alkaline. It just makes you mean and you can't think straight. [Gong] So that you can be a less terrible person, be sure to subscribe to my carnivorous channel. All those meat eaters in one place, it's beatiful...

[Dog chomping meat noise] Hmm. [Softly] Gimme my steak..

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