Guess The Jello Pudding Combo Game

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Guess The Jello Pudding Combo Game

Welcome to
"Good Mythical"-- Hey! "Check your voicemail." We have a voicemail.
Let's check it. Man:<i>
Hey, what's going on,
everybody?</I> <i> So, uh,</i> <i> which one of you guys
wants to get slapped</i> <i> with a rubber chicken
now or later?</I> <i> Take your time.</I> <i> All right, have a nice day.</I> <i> Bye-bye.</I> The ol' slap with
a rubber chicken offer. Now or later, though. We get those all the time, but not with
the now-or-later option.

Is neither
one of us an option? Neither one of us. I'm looking around
to make sure somebody doesn't have
a rubber chicken. - Oh, no.
- Good. They don't.

- That would've required--
- We disallowed those. Remember when we got our old
studio decorated for a shoot, and then that really became
a decoration for the studio? And there was a rubber
chicken on the shelf, and I was like-- No, it was on the fridge. It was on the fridge handle. And we didn't want it because rubber chickens
are too clich comedy.

But then, not too long ago,
we played a game, and you insisted on us using
rubber chickens as the buzzer. But we didn't do it, did we? - We did.
- Oh. - I regretted it instantly.
- Gosh. Yeah, I had a lapse
in judgment.

That's why you're here.
What happened? So what we have is we have
six different rounds here. We're gonna move
through this pretty quickly. We have mixed--
well, we didn't mix-- the Mythical crew has mixed two actual Jell-O pudding
brand puddings together. Oh.

Oh! Oh, now you understand
how this game works? They told me and I was like, "This is gonna be easy.
Just guessing Jell-O flavors?" - No.
- They mixed two! And they have all these
different flavor flags
over here. Flavorflag.Com-- don't go there.
I don't know what it is. It's just, whenever I say
two words like that together, I feel like
it should be a website. Flavorflag.Net-- go there.

And you assume
it's a bad website. Naughty. And we're gonna try to guess what two flavors
have been combined. Now, I--
I'm a pudding lover.

- If you lose this--
- Look. But listen. You're such a pudding man.
You're a pudding master. - The only pudding--
- Don't let me beat you, man.

Thank you. Thank you,
but the only pudding that I eat is
chocolate, vanilla, and if I run across
some peanut butter. I know one
of the flavors already. Mmm.

I know this
right off the bat. Yeah, well, one of them.
What's the other one? Hold on. Definitely--
I'm not showing mine to you. That's one of them.

This is definitely
one of them. - Um, man.
- And... - Um...
- Um... I don't know, man.

And I know--
this is the other one. Right. Don't-- don't look
at my answers now. Okay, that's what I got.
Oh, we got the same answers.

- Oh, we have the same--
- Butterscotch
 and coconut cream. - Are we right?
 Oh, they don't tell us.
- We don't know. Okay, so now
we'll move that over. - We bring in the next one.
- Bring in the next one.

Don't look at our monitor
over there to cheat. I didn't. I don't cheat, Link.
I'm not a cheater. You don't admit to cheating.

Is this cream? Mm. Mm! It's interesting. Eating pudding is fun. It's a lifestyle.

Is that your suggested slogan? - Eating pudding is fun.
- Jell-O pudding-- Both:
It's a lifestyle. - I don't think that would work.
- It gets better the more I eat. Well, I know one. I know one, too.

The one that I know
right off the bat
is that one. This is tough, man, but... This one is tough. I don't know.
They could be-- I'm gonna guess that
it's this based on color.

So I said vanilla pistachio. I said pistachio and tapioca. - Ooh, "tapi-yoke."
- I scared you, didn't I? - You may be right.
- I think vanilla's in there. I think you're right.

This one's pink. ( Imitating Church Lady )
Isn't this one special? - Fruity.
- Did you know there were so
 many flavors of pudding? - No.
- What are they doing
 over there at Jell-O? They got somebody
just coming up with
different flavors. Who would have thought? So that's pretty clear,
but... Oh, oh.
Oh, this is tough.

- This is difficult.
- This is tough because it-- The second component
is pretty difficult here. So I'm either down to this... - The initial one
 is really obvious.
- Or this. I'm trying to figure out
between these two.

Mythical Beasts,
send me your answer. Which one is it? - Um.
- I don't know. I'm at a little bit of a loss,
but I'm going with that. - All right--
- Cheesecake and strawberry? I went with strawberry
and banana cream.

I almost did that, but I don't like banana
that much, so-- - I thought that you would--
- I coulda-- I can hone in on
the thing I don't like. You've got great banana radar. Right. "Banay-dar,"
they call it.

Max Banadar. You just spouted off
a random guy that
we used to work with-- his name. - Okay.
- That was a shout out. - Okay, there's
 an obvious component.
- Ooh, that's good.

- Link: Very good.
- Rhett: Mmm, man. I'm just glad
none of these flags say
"coyote piss" on them. 'Cause halfway
through this game, you better believe I looked. Yeah, it's funny.
I always eat things
on this show with just a sense of-- - Trepidation.
- ...Trepidation.

There's no trepidation now.
I've let my guard down. But what is
the other flavor there? I got it.
All right, you ready? I went with vanilla and Oreo. - Oreo...
- I think you're right. - ...And tapioca.
- Tapioca.

I-- - Ooh.
- There's no switchies
 in this one. I think you might be
the pudding master, Link. Ooh, what's this, curry? Little... It's probably not curry.

Ugh. This one tastes
like cleaner. Like, literally, like... I don't feel like
I need more than one.

Like sop this
on your toilet. - Link: Ugh.
- Yeah. Yeah, pumpkin spice
and lemon. Same for me.

- That's gross.
- Okay, and finally, What's this one gonna be? Move this here. Oh. Ooh, ooh! That is a nice experience
right there. And I'm gonna--
I'm gonna highly recommend
that, guys.

You think
you know what it is? Um, you said chocolate? I know you were thinking
this is a good combo. I think that the chocolate-- I don't think
chocolate's in there. I think you're getting
red velvet taste as chocolate. So what did you say it was? I mean, cheesecake,
'cause that's all-- I have chocolate
and caramel left.

I don't think
it's either one of those. All right, that's our guesses.
Tell us what we did. <I> Okay, pudding number one
is chocolate--</i> <i> Oh, sorry. That's wrong.</I> "Sorry, that's wrong." Did you say "sarong"? <I> Um, it starts with a "C".</I> <i> Coconut cream
and butterscotch.</I> - Yes!
- Yep.

<I> So you both got that correct.</I> Oh, we both got it right. <I> Pudding number two is
banana cream and pistachio.</I> Ooh, you were right, huh? <I> No, you both
thought pistachio.</I> I said tapioca and pistachio. So we both get
one point for that. - There's banana in this?
-<I> Yes.</I> I taste it now.
It's so obvious.

<I> So pudding number three
is strawberry and vanilla.</I> Strawberry and vanilla. And you said strawberry
and cheesecake. I knew it was subtle.
Didn't get that one. - You didn't either, right?
- Nope.

<I> Pudding number four
is Oreo cookies 'n creme</i> <i> and tapioca.</I> - I got that one.
- You got another one right. Okay, so Link
just went up a point. - Right?
-<I> Correct.</I> - Yes.
- Okay. All right.

Pumpkin spice and lemon
we agreed on. Are we right? <I> Yep, you are right
on that one.</I> Ooh, so it comes down
to the very end, Link. No, I'm ahead by one. You were down by one,
right, yeah, but-- - No, I'm ahead by one.
- I mean, you're up by one.

You can't even use
language of me winning. - Yeah--
- It doesn't exist
 in your mind. I haven't said it
in so long, my brain won't
let my mouth say it. Is it chocolate
and red velvet? <I> It's red velvet
and cheesecake.</I> Which is what I said!
We tied! Dang it! Man, I wanted you to win.
I did.

I wanted you to take all
the puddings and celebrate. I think the best combination
we found-- This was-- I don't know-- No, that had banana.
I didn't like it. It was this red velvet and
whatever you said it was. Cheesecake.
That's a good one.

This red velvet cheesecake, that's what you should order
at a Cheesecake Factory..

Gluten Free Christmas PuddingKerryAnn Dunlop

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Gluten Free Christmas PuddingKerryAnn Dunlop

Hi Food Tube. Kerry-Ann here its Christmas. And what screams Christmas
better than a good ol fashioned Christmas pudding. I'm
gonna show you how to make a gluten free Christmas pudding, so everyone can tuck in cause why should
you miss out on this Christmas classic just because you can't eat gluten.

It's rich, sweet, beautiful dried fruits plumped up with festive brandy. You can't beat it. Christmas is all about
family. Is all about everyone coming together and in our house a good Christmas
pudding is essential.

This recipe will serve about 10 to 12
people. Let's get on with it. This recipe actually started yesterday I
mixed some current sour cherries, raisins, dates, mixed
peel in a bowl. It doesn't matter which fruit you use, as long as there's four hundred and sixty grams or 16 ounces in total.

Zest and juice of
1 lime and half an orange 75mls of cold assam tea, and
then add two and a half tablespoons of brandy. Half a teaspoon of mixed spice and a
quarter teaspoon ground cinnamon Mix it all together and put to one side.
I left mine overnight to steap and soak up all those lovely flavours. And this is what I'm left with today. See how the fruit's gone all plump and juicy looking.

So I'm going to get a nice big bowl. And then I'm going to put all my fruit into that. I'm gonna add 170
grams of soft dark brown sugar. 50 Grams of chopped almonds, lovely.

A nice tablespoon of golden syrup. A cooking apple. We're going to grate it straight in, skin and everything but I'm only going to use half. Give this a nice quick mix, and then I
need 110 grams of gluten free bread crumbs.

This is slightly stale gluten-free bread
wizzed up in a food processor. I need a 110 grams of gluten-free suet. It's readily available at most health food shops. Traditional suet often contains wheat
flour which is no good for those with gluten intolerance.

I'm adding 25 grams of rice flour which is
a common substitute for wheat flour in gluten-free recipes and then 25 grams cornflower or corn
starch. A teaspoon of gluten-free baking powder two medium to large free-range eggs, and one extra yolk. And we mix that in as well. It smells amazing.

Right, so we got our mix all nice and ready. Here I have a 1.5 Litre pudding basin. Which I have liberally greased with some butter. It is Christmas after all.

This should fill the basin two-thirds of the way up, because it will
grow So we'll level it off. On top of this I want to add a cartouche, which is
basically a posh way of saying a circle of grease proof paper. Nice and snug. And then I'm gonna cover this with two layers of foil.

And you can tie it up. Nice little Christmas present. This might be a little bit difficult to
take out of a hot pan like that. So, what we gonna do is, we're gonna use another piece of string.

I'm gonna make a little safe handle. So there you have it my friend Christmas pudding ready for steaming and if you have a look in this pot, I have an upside down saucer. I'm going to place the  pudding on top. That's all we don't want
to put the bottom of the basin onto the
bottom of the pan because it's going to be cooking for at least eight hours and over that period of time on the direct heat it will burn your pudding, which will make
it go bitter.

It won't take very nice, and all that effort will be a complete waste. So
don't forget the saucer in the bottom of pan. Now to this pan I'm gonna add some boiling water to half  way up the basin. We want to get the lid on straight away, and we want to bring it to a boil.

Now, once it's boiling, turn it down, and leave it to simmer for eight hours. Now, don't think you're getting off lightly, cos you're not. You can't just leave it, because the water will eventually boil dry. That means no steam.

That means no cooking. That means no pudding. Everybody's Christmas is ruined and it's all your fault. What you need to do is come back every
hour and a half, and just make sure that the water is
always half way up the basin, and your pudding will be perfect.

It's been eight hours. This is so exciting. And be careful friends, because it is very hot. Ready, steady, Christmas Pudding.

Look at that. I really, really, really, really wish that
you guys could smell this because it smells so good. It's actually making my mouth water. I've got a lovely platter on the go, and quick and confident, over you go.

Look at that. It's ready. Now for the fun part. The decoration.

It's so worth the effort to make this rich and totally delicious it wouldn't
be Christmas without one of these on the table. I've decorate it with a little bit of
cream it's a little bit naughty, but it is Christmas after all. I'm sure that you're allowed a treat every now and again. There you have it my Food Tube friends.
Gluten-free Christmas pudding.

And if you're looking for something to
go with this amazing Christmas Pudding, check out my homemade custard recipe here, give it a go. Have fun. Don't stress. It's Christmas.

enough to worry about already. Enjoy yourself and have a great time. See you soon. Click the link to subscribe if you like what we're doing and wanna see more great stuff, and if you want to see more of what I do then head on over to my channel and
click that.

Subscribe it is free, so it won't hurt. Happy Cooking!.

Gingerbread Pudding Cake Made in a Crock Pot - Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 105

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Gingerbread Pudding Cake Made in a Crock Pot - Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Ep 105

Gemma's Bigger Bolder Baking Gingerbread Pudding
Cake Hi Bold Bakers! Did you know you can bake
in a crock pot or a rice cooker? They produce incredible desserts like the Gingerbread pudding
cake I'm going to show you today. So let's get baking! Crock pots are fantastic, especially if you
live in a dorm or have a small kitchen. You can make so many desserts like a molten lava
cake, crumbles, even a cheesecake. This Gingerbread Pudding Cake is so soft and moist, you're
just going to want to eat it straight out of the crock pot with a spoon.

We're going to start out by making our Gingerbread
batter. In a large bowl, add in your butter, brown sugar, and treacle. Then we're just
going to melt all of these ingredients together. I like to do it in the microwave but you can
do it over a bain-marie as well.

Once it's lovely and melted, we're going to
whisk in our room temperature eggs. Make sure your molasses mix is not hot when you add
in your eggs otherwise they will cook in there. This mix looks fantastic. This recipe is my
favorite gingerbread, and if you remember my trifle from last Christmas it's the same
gingerbread I used in there.

Into this mix, I'm going to sift in my flour,
cinnamon and ground ginger. I know you don't often see me sifting in ingredients, but you
do always want to do it when you're adding in dry ingredients to a thin batter. You want
to make sure there are no lumps and it's nice and fine. Then gently just mix in your dry ingredients
taking care not to over mix the flour because that's what makes things tough when you do.
You'll notice it's really thick now and I.

Still have l jumps of flour because now we're
going to add in our milk. Before you add in your milk, we're going to
heat it up in the microwave for around one minute until it gets nice and warm. Now I
know this sounds kind of weird, but I'm going to add my baking soda to my warm milk. And
the method to my madness here is that it's going to cause a chemical reaction.

Give it
a little bit of a whisk, and as you can see it starts to foam on top. That means the baking
soda is activated so now we're going to take this and add it into the other mix. Gently
whisk your whole batter together. It's a little bit messy at the start but it will come together.
Look at that, do you see all those bubbles.

That's the baking soda activated in there.
It's gorgeous. Look at that beautiful caramel molassessy mix. And that is our gingerbread, just look at
that. You are not going to believe how good this is when it comes out of the crock pot.

The Crock Pot that I have is big. It's 4 quarts.
But if you only have a small crock pot or rice cooker, it will still work just as well.
You can just halve or quarter my recipe. Before I add in the gingerbread, I'm going
to take an old butter paper, it's a trick I've shown you before, and I'm just going
to grease the crock pot to make sure your cake comes out nice and it doesn't stick in
there. Ok, Lovely.

Now we can go ahead and pour in
our gingerbread. Even as a raw batter, this cake looks lovely. Lastly, on top of the gingerbread
I'm going to pour in a mix I have of melted butter, water and brown sugar. And what this
mix does is it gets nice and steamy and it makes the cake really moist after it bakes.

I'm really excited for you to see this when
it's done because I made it for the first time the other day and it blew me away so
I know you're going to love it. Now we're going to pop on our lid. And turn it onto
bake. Now for my crock pot, I put it on high and I'm going to cook it for around 2 hours.
But you know your crock pot or rice cooker better than I do so just keep a close eye
on it.

Now if you don't want to cook your gingerbread
off straight away, that is totally fine. You can put it in the fridge overnight and bake
it the next day. I want to show you that after an hour this
is what your cake should look like. You can see that it has totally risen up, it has absorbed
all of that liquid that we put on top.

You can tell that it's really lovely and moist.
Just look at how soft it is. That's why we call it a pudding cake. And then if you shake
it, it's still really jiggly in the middle because it still needs time to cook but this
is looking and smelling fantastic. Our Gingerbread Pudding Cake is done and I
want to show you exactly what it should look like.

If Christmas had a smell, it would be
just like this. It smells spicy, treacly and just amazing. I'm going to give this a little
bit of a shake and you can tell there's still a tiny bit of a jiggle in the middle but this
is perfect. If you push down on top of the pudding, you can feel how soft it is.

also firm which means it's perfectly cooked. So now I'm going to take it out of the crock
pot because I want it to stop cooking and set it aside and let it just relax for around
half an hour, cool down, and all the flavors marry together and then it's ready to serve. And look at that, do you see that lovely texture?
This is what steaming and baking a cake at the same time will do. It's incredibly moist
and soft.

And that stuff in there is gingerbread gold. You get a little bit of cake and a little
bit of gooey with this pudding. Your Gingerbread Pudding Cake is best served with vanilla ice
cream and I'm going to add on some salted caramel sauce as well. And of course, there is plenty for everyone.

How is it? This is amazing! You see, I told you. From Kevin, Waffles and
I, wishing you all a very Happy Christmas. And we'll see you back here again next Thursday
for more Bigger Bolder Baking. Happy Christmas, Everyone.

Bye guys, Happy
Christmas! Can I have some?.


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 Hi! Welcome to Spanish Cooking. Today we will prepare egg custard pudding or "flan de huevo"
It has been consumed in each household in Spain for decades when I was a child I had lots of it
super easy to do and delicious so first we need to prepare some caramel.
In a small pot heat 3 tablespoons of caster sugar with
a couple tablespoons of water don't touch it just wait until it starts bubbling, then
wait until it gets some brown color so you will see that it takes relatively short time. Don't touch it just wait. Then, when you're happy with
the color you can add some lemon juice drops to
avoid sudden solidification so you will have more time to pour it
into molds.

Now you can move it and turn off the heat, just   put all the caramel being in your moulds you don't
need to distribute it evenly as afterwards when cooking in the cups the
custard, it will be liquid again   Now heat 750 milliliters milk and add some vanilla drops if you like. I think it provides a nice flavor. Once it's about boiling just turn off the heat and
that's it. Now in another bowl crack 5 eggs and beat them which 8 to 10 tablespoons cast sugar until the sugar is
dissolved you can adjust the amount of sugar
depending on your taste I think that as the custard is consumed
cold you need to quite big amount of sugar to have nice
flavor, otherwise is like tasteless.

And now you can add your milk but do it in batches not all
together because otherwise the egg would be cooked. You don't want this so slowly... And now you can put your moulds on a tray filled with
warm water enough for half covering the moulds and fill the moulds with the mixture. So first I roughly fill
the moulds and then I add just the amount of liquid
so each mould has the same and a nice trick for getting nice
custer without dried borders is to cover each mold with aluminum foil.

Just takes a minute and
it's a nice trick in the meantime of course preheat you
oven to 200 degrees Celsius and once it's warm you can put your custard in the oven for 20 minutes or until they
are completely cooked. How you know it? Well, after twenty
minutes take them out and check with a knife yes, uncover one of the molds and check with a knife. If it
remains clean then it's ready.. Let's see...

Yeah it's ready so now you need to let
them cool for at least two to three hours in
the fridge and then you can taste it. I use to help
myself by scrapping the borders with a knife as
you see here and voil! Your egg custard pudding is ready! The result this really
impressive and it's very easy to do so I hope you
try it out And of course don't forget to enjoy it!
See you soon!  .

Easy Bread Pudding Recipe Como hacer budn de pan. Pouding au pain

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Easy Bread Pudding Recipe Como hacer budn de pan. Pouding au pain

Eugenie Kitchen Hi, I am Eugenie.  Do you have left-over bread? I made French toast before with stale bread, but there is another way to finish dry bread, Making bread pudding. For this recipe, you will need: 4/5 cup whipping cream (2/3 cup + 2 tablespoons; 190 ml) 3/4 cup milk (178 ml) 1/4 cup raisins (38 g) 1 tablespoon rum, optional 4 sandwich white bread slices (120 g) 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened (15 g) 4 tablespoons caster sugar (56 g) 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon First, soak the raisins in rum. In a medium sauce pan, stir in whipping cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla extract.

Over medium heat, bring to a boil whisking occasionally.  Set aside.  In a mixing bowl, break in the eggs and beat until white.  Slowly add milk mixture into egg mixture while whisking.

Spread butter on the bread slices  and cut them in bite-size.  Arrange the bread in the baking dish. Distribute raisins between breads.  Then dust with ground cinnamon.

And if you want, sprinkle with light brown sugar. In a large plate, place the dishes and pour in the custard. And let the bread get soaked for 5 minutes. And fill the tin half-full with boiling water.

And bake for 40 to 45 minutes at 320 degrees F. (160C), or until the custard is set.  And let cool for 10 minutes in the tin. Voila! Raisin bread pudding.

Dust with yesterdays confectioners sugar, Or drizzle with caramel sauce. I have French caramel sauce video. Bon appetit. The texture of bread pudding is from the custard mixture.

And I love bread pudding with rum-flavored raisins. Today it was bread pudding and tomorrow its vinegrette. Find my schedule at FB and Instagram. Thank you for watching.

Bye for now..

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